Jan 16, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Yeah...I'm sure no one understood the danger with elevated IgG4 antibodies...it's not like they get paid a lot of money or anything right?

What was that about "dual use" again? What industry really likes that concept??

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Thank you Jennifer for another article packed full of info. I wonder if in some future article you could tell us all the tests we need to have run (1) if we took any vaccines and (2) if we didn’t. We’re unvaXXed but had Delta which we fought with the drug-that-shall-not-be-named and fear damage from,that. I have loved ones who are thrice-vaXXed.

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For those who are vaccinated, I would recommend Bromelain, NAC, and pine needle tea to attempt to reduce the spike proteins. Tests to have run would be a cardiac MRI to check for heart damage, and you can have labs to check your IgG antibody levels. The testing each person would need depends on what symptoms they have. CBC, CMP, sed rate, troponin, and CRP. CKMB if renal issues. The worst of the results I see are the CBC. White count very high. Platelets up, leukocytes are depleted. ANC very elevated. I send those on to hematology and infectious disease if they cannot stay “unsick’. Today alone, I had 4 vax injured patients, one who survived sudden cardiac death in the last month.

For those who are unvaccinated……if you had Remdesivir I would keep an eye on kidneys and liver with a CMP. Other than that, if you took ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine you are all good and no labs needed. ❤️

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Thank you Jennifer. You are living your Oath. ♥️

I realized my comment was unclear—we feared damage from Delta, not from the ivermectin. I am very relieved to know we don’t need a ton of tests.

Sadly, our vaxxed loved ones do.

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Gratefully, the unvaxxed are healthy. A few have had a minor cold this winter but otherwise healthy. I think that the unvaccinated are low low risk right now.

I feel your pain with the vaxxed ones. My entire family has been 3x+ vaccinated. To say I am scared would be an understatement. 😢. I tried to warn them, but they chose their own journey.

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Jan 16, 2023Liked by Jennifer Brown

Thank you Jennifer. Horrible. Peace.

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Thank you as always for your posts.

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It would be nice if Jessica let unpaid subcribers contribute.

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I agree! So many would love to dialogue! That is why I will never ever charge for my substack page. It is open to everyone to comment anytime.

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Keytruda, a popular chemotherapy treatment is an IgG4 antibody and I would be interested in any comments.

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