Part 2 of Harley Davidson self imploding: they doubled down this week and have outsourced manufacturing to Thailand,Thailand%2C%20for%20model%20year%2025
To quote Dumb and Dumber……”just when I thought you couldn’t do any thing more stupid, you go and do a thing like this…….”
The above article is a must read. They must not have meant that their employees are truly the “heart of the company” after all if they are ready to ship out their jobs to Thailand, leaving 600 employees in Wisconsin potentially without a job. When the Harley plant in Kansas City closed, they had 2 options: move to Pennsylvania and work at the York plant, or find a new job. Wisconsin is worried the same will happen to them. If they outsource their jobs to Thailand, they probably aren’t coming back.
On Friday, Harley Davidson announced that they are now outsourcing the manufacturing of 3 of their lines, the adventure Pan-American bike, the Sportster S, and the Nighttrain bike. They will be manufactured in Thailand now, and sent back to the US for sales. Harley claims it is “just for model year 2025”.
Here is the problem. Harley is a union employed manufacturing company. Part of the union requirement is that NO BIKES SOLD IN THE US are to be manufactured anywhere BUT the US. Harley has just reneged on that deal. The 600 employees in Wisconsin are wondering what will happen to their jobs. Wisconsin is the birth place of Harley Davidson for crying out loud!!!
Keep digging that grave Harley. At this point I have no sympathy for them. The dealerships and shareholders will be the ones that pay the price for this utter stupidity. The good guys who don’t agree with any of this nonsense and are all about selling the American Motorcycle dream to people.
I hope that an attorney decides to take this case for the shareholders. The CEO and the board have now violated their fiduciary duty to the shareholders of Harley Davidson. Sue their asses into oblivion, fire them all, and leave the political theater behind. Get back to the business of being an American company making American motorcycles.
Sounds like a WEF woke hit job.
Management declares the employees are the heart of the business and then cuts out the heart. That isn’t an accident or coincidence. Management set out to intentionally destroy Harley-Davidson. The share holders (company owners) have been betrayed. May the Courts have no mercy.
I won’t knock India or Thailand. It’s not their fault this happened. India makes a decent motorcycle and I know for a fact that Thailand made a good Honda bike clone in the 1990s. But Harley-Davidson’s established identity is The American Motorcycle. Not a “made in Thailand” copy of their former selves.
They want to crush our spirit before we are dead.