Apr 4Liked by Jennifer Brown

And the hysteria is all predicated on testing again! So someone in TX had conjunctivitis and they immediately jumped to bird flu and the cow was infected by a bird theory (what evidence do they have of this?!). Is this someone that just made the trek from the Darien Gap?! We have all kinds of actual diseases being moved into the country from the open border and they want people to fear another cold. The immediate effect is meat and eggs have become scarce at some TX grocery stores already.

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100%. All of this.

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Apr 4Liked by Jennifer Brown

I am in the UK but my reading is that the globalists will do anything to keep Trump out of the White House. It looks as though they will need to rig the election a lot more than they did in 2020. Their choices are limited so I think it is even odds between a new pandemic and some catastrophic set of circumstances that requires martial law. Anything to prevent a free and fair election.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4Liked by Jennifer Brown

Many Trump voters are shifting to Kennedy. He keeps bragging about his genotoxic injections that killed millions.

To wake people up, I’d start with the 20 million dollar question, while showing baby seizures videos:


Vaccines have been weaponized. They may include:

• 1940s: neurotoxins like aluminum, mercury, MSG.

• 1960s: carcinogenic SV40 monkey virus, immune-system-destroyer SIV monkey virus (forerunner of HIV)

• 1990s: hCG to infertilize women

• 2019: carbon and graphene microtubes and nano-structures (now in most injectables like dental anesthesia, IV liquids, etc.)

• 2020: partial sequences of viruses (HIV, SV40), sequence for cancer modulation (Moderna patent), genotoxins like mutagenic DNA, transfectional modmRNA, ubiquitous lipid nano-particles

WARNING! DANGER! Weaponization of vaccines into haccines (not everyone is anti-vaccine, but everyone is anti-haccine!):

Comparing Vax-Unvax


Bill Gates: vaccines for depopulation means extermination


Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”?


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Apr 4Liked by Jennifer Brown

Maybe some are shifting to RFK Jr but it seems to me he is attracting more votes from Biden. Also his VP pick has not gone down too well with conservative or MAGA voters. Personally I like him.

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Apr 4Liked by Jennifer Brown

Let's not lose focus.

RFK, Jr is very knowledgeable when it comes to vaccines, but is a full on Socialist.

Biden is, well we all know.

Trump is a germophobe who royally blew it with Operation Warp Speed, but otherwise is totally invested in America and Americans. Despite his germophobia, he never forced anyone to accept a needle.

I'm sticking with the guy whom I know and trust is all in on America and Americans!

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Apr 4Liked by Jennifer Brown

I like RFK also, but am witholding judgement until I know a lot more about Shanahan. Also need a strong position against Climate "emergency" mass hysteria.

Agree he will hurt O'Biden more than Trump.

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I like him also. He would ve interesting in a cabinet but I'd never vote for him for POTUS.

His VP pick will pull lots of youth from Biden. A bunch of Lefty, white suburban women. Few in theory groups would have considered DJT anyway.

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I agree. If Trump can win the White House (ie if the Dems are unable to rig the situation this time round) then I truly hope he appoints RFK Jr as vaccine czar or something similar.

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It's pandemic 13.0. They've been manipulating the concept of epidemics since the Foot&Mouth disease in the 19th century or the Spanish Flu in early 20th century. Most recently, they declared emergency for SARS-COV1 and monkey pox!

War on poultry and cattle:


War on food


Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


here's their plan to murder 95% of the global population by 2050… written on the masonic Georgia guide-stones: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 … ”:


The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


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It’s a cull of our food sources full stop. Next it will be the cattle. They have already burned/culled thousands in Texas.

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Apr 4Liked by Jennifer Brown

Jennifer, I really appreciate these blogs.

Some will call you names, since none of these things have happened in apocalyptic terms - yet.

Of course, most of "those people" cannot be convinced of anything unless/until their tic-tok goes off-line!

To be forewarned is to be forearmed - and that is what you are giving us.

We saw in real time the events unfold between 2020 and to-date and how many were sucked into the delusion, and indeed, some still are in it, and promised vehemently this would never happen again.

Because of these most recent events, many are infinitely better equipped to deal with the future.

No one knows the future, but we can observe the trees moving to the winds of change and see the storm clouds building.

There is nothing new under the sun.

The "powers that be" have only become more adept at promoting the "next big thing".

Unfortunately, they have made cheating and lying so common, Truth is now denoted as the lie.

The Anchor holds.

Keep up the good work!

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Thank you friend! Your words of support mean more than you can know! There are more of us “awake” than there are of them. They aren’t going to hoodwink the masses they did last time. The ones who choose to stay asleep are doing so willingly now, because the evidence is in front of their noses. The old lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink theory. 😎

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There is an outbreak of Avian every 5 years or so.

Ignore rhe hysteria, find a local farmer to buy your chicken and eggs. Small farmers seldom have any issues.

The above article provides info that shows a few million birds is not a huge number. Meat birds are mature in 7-8 weeks. Hens start laying at about 18 weeks.

As the Doc says, just ignore them and keep living your life. Remind anyone who is panicking to remember all the lies about Covid

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I keep hearing that Conservatives are longing for a 3rd party candidate but I haven't met any of these people. Seems to be the talking heads rambling on. What I remember is that on the last Presidential Inauguration Day regular gas at my local QuikTrip was $1.229/gallon. I keep hearing the current President bragging about how he has brought the price of gasoline down. Either he has lost all sense of proportion or he thinks we have. $3.00+ is NOT less than $1.229. Maybe it is in Biden Bizarro Universe.

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What are the odds that twice in 5 years we have somehow skipped tens of thousands of years of evolution. Only problem is, we aint buying what they are selling ... never ever again.

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I almost forgot. About destroying the food supply... These are the same folks that insist on turning a significant portion of the corn crop into an inferior gasoline substitute for no good reason. I guess if you are a Leftist it makes more sense to fill fuel tanks than hungry bellies.

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Notable that it's also the height of pollen season, particularly in Texas...which couldn't possibly account for lots of red, itchy eyes...and start the hysterical testing madness. Of course, conveniently, this one can be asymptomatic too. 🙄

Oh, and Influenza A was added in PREP Act amendment , published 12/23/22- goes until 2027. Liability be gone!

"This Secretary is now amending the Republished Declaration to extend the time period for which liability immunity is in effect for all of the Covered Countermeasures to December 31, 2027. Pandemic influenza A viruses and influenza A viruses with pandemic potential continue to pose a public health threat to the United States."



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There are no shortage of bio weapons already developed by our loving Demunists and simply waiting in the wings to generate the sort of crisis they need to seize more power.

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