This was behind a paywall, so I hope the link works.
Good ol’ Rochelle Walensky, the CDC director who spewed for months that covid vaccines prevent infection, prevent transmission, and if you were vaccinated you would not catch covid. She also spewed that vaccines were safe and effective. She later backtracked and said that the data was not clear, and she was getting her “data” and “information” from CNN. She has gone on to say that hospital covid data is “incomplete” or “missing”, among numerous other missteps from the CDC office she ran. She stood in front of our country on every major media news outlet and told people to trust the science, trust the government, trust the CDC, blah blah.
So what is she saying now? “The public should be wary of misinformation”. “Dr. Rochelle Walensky has a warning for the American people: Be on guard against misinformation and the politicization of science. In one of her final interviews as head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Walensky told The Wall Street Journal that she wants Americans to make health decisions based on “their own risk assessment and their own personal risks, but not through politics,” she said.”
What in the actual hell. NOW it is ok for American’s to make their own decisions about their own health??? Please tell me why it is ok to do NOW, but two years ago it was NOT?
The backtracking continued. Walensky went on to say that the CDC used to be a “faceless” agency that worked with state and national health agencies, and due to covid they were in everyones living room for the first time, trying to convey messages in 90 second sound bites. She also said that they failed to account for “evolving changes” in the covid response and they should have prepared American’s for changes in a clearer way.
“Critics have contended that the CDC itself is politicized, that its recommendations and policies were influenced by politics and that it gave conflicting recommendations to the public. About a quarter of Americans said they lacked trust in the CDC’s health recommendations, according to a 2022 survey of around 4,200 people published in the journal Health Affairs earlier this year.” “Castrucci said that the CDC is inherently political because its director is chosen by the president. At the same time, he said, it was an easy scapegoat for political leaders during the pandemic because it was a relatively unknown entity to Americans.”
“It was this nameless, faceless agency to the public,” he said.
Well well well. IF that isn’t the walk-back of all walk-backs, I don’t know what is. Remember when we all predicted 12-18 months ago that the day would come when the guilty would be forced to either fess up or walk back their statements? Well this WSJ piece is a doozy.
This is just the beginning. I want a similar article of Fauci walking back his death march across America with his lying narrative. I want all of them to face judgment day in court. The punishment should fit the crime, and homicide is a hefty one.
The federal court injunction against the Government for censoring the truth came too late to save the lives of innocent people sacrificed at the altar of greed and arrogance. Censorship killed people by locking them in a bubble of lies that caused them to die. Let's not speak of forgiveness until the guilty have been brought to justice, otherwise they will move on to new and worse crimes against humanity. Sadly, forgiveness may never come. Criminal liability will be difficult to prove because its requires proof of homicidal intent, or a reckless disregard for life. Our criminal justice system can't convict common street criminals so it's unlikely to suddenly work with politically motivated criminals like the Covid fanatics. Civil liability (damages) will be difficult to prove under current law because of the PREP Act. The solution is a political revolution that throws out every woke bum and replaces them with representatives who will defend the interests of decent people and change the laws to guard against a recurrence of their barbarism.
We cannot let these horrid people rule us. You are doing an amazing job of speaking out against them. Thank YOU. We need more docs like you to call BS. If you are ever on Twitter ( I know, I know its a cesspool ) there is a very thoughtful ENT I follow who is speaking out there. H Stupak @ hstupak1