PE vampires have destroyed huge swaths of America. Healthcare to mobile home parks. Bloodsucking psychopaths.

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Yep. Non compete agreements should be illegal because they interfere with the rights to work Just one more example of corporate capture.

OT. I read how the shutdown of Change, the insurance company caused one medical practice to have no money in the bank and so they sold the product to the United Health conglomerate. Congress should have long ago put a stop to hedge funds buying hospitals, loading them with debt and then declaring bankruptcy after stealing all the money they could. But then we’d have a representative government that works for we the people instead of their donors.

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Non-competes are another area where monopolies thrive.

They are un-American and need to be eradicated.

Healthcare, as long as it is run by "managing" companies with an eye on shareholder profits, will continue to destroy the healthcare system in this country. They will run it into the ground until the government either hires them to "fix" it or we get full on National Health Plan like the failures in Canada and England.

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100%. It's the corporate-driven greed that destroys everything it touches. Thank you Jennifer. Peace.

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Is there a particular bill in MO? I know the legislature is a dysfunctional dumpster fire this session, and the Speaker of the House is a doctor. (and my state rep - I call him Where's Waldo as he is rarely available or responsive in his home district). I know each state is a little different in terms of how they enforce non-competes. It's been a decade or so, but had a client who was successful in enforcing a non-compete in KS. Promotional products business who fired a sales guy who took his client list and start doing deals on the side with these clients. My understanding at that time that at least in KS, that he could not bar this guy from working in the industry, but he was able to enforce that he could not do business with the clients he got as an employee of the firm for 3 years after separation. (which were the terms of the non-compete) However it is a completely different situation than HC as the sales guy was the beneficiary of the marketing, sales support, and vendor relationships of his employer firm while in HC the 'clients' are gained by the good work of the provider themselves, not anything their employer does. Although frankly the number of ads and commercials for hospitals seem ridiculous as we are paying for those when we get the bill. Every doc I have ever seen has been based on a referral by trusted family and friends, not some slick commercial.

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And supposedly you live in the USA, the home of Free Enterprise?

Those contracts need to be challenged. Better talk to Matt Stoller at https://www.thebignewsletter.com/

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