OK, I'm confused. One illness, "Mycoplasma Pneumonia", can be caused by either bacteria, OR virus, OR mold spore? Well which is it? Is it a bunch of different illnesses lumped together because they has some similar symptoms? If there are such diverse causes, why is it being counted/reported as only one thing? And how do they test for it? Does a case caused by mold spores test the same as cases cause by virus or bacteria? Is this being reported this way because if they combine all of the different sicknesses it is more frightening? I don't know about herd immunity, but I do see we are in the process of being herded. Moo!

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M pneumoniae is a cell-wall-deficient bacterium, a so-called "stealth" bacterium that can be difficult to detect and difficult to treat. It is not a virus, but a viral infection can lead to a bacterial infection such as M. pneumoniae.

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Bacterial infections...ummm can be caused by immune systems trashed by the con vid mRNA jabberoos which are required by school systems in many places. Dr. Tenpenny Dr. ARDIS AND MANY MORE FORESAW THIS. But sush we aren't going to address the elephant in the room.

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mycoplasma pneumonia=pfizer/moderna poisoning

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I’m sure they’re working on a vaccine for that.😉. Like with all illnesses, our best approach to staying healthy is good nutrition (avoid sugar and ultra-processed foods), sleep, sunlight, and lots of prayer. That doesn’t make money for the industrial medical complex, so they never mention these basics.

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Prevnar? You are so right on your sage advice of sunlight, fresh air, aerobic exercise, real food, and prayer!

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Is the strain that is circulating sensitive to macrolides (i.e. azithromycin), or is it a strain resistant to macrolides? That's vital to know, and somebody in public health should be taking to trouble to find out. M. pneumoniae and C. pneumoniae can hang on and become "stealth" infections, and are probably the leading cause of adult-onset asthma - although few docs know this.



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Doxy 100 MG daily or 200 every other day 6 week course..add some Flagyl or tindazole...um...

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Keeping a kid inside because they feel sick?

My mother said go outside and sit in the sun, you'll feel better!

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My mother would say; 'feeling sick, bend over'...

... and a good old fashioned Hot Water Bottle with soapy water

with a tube up the rectum.

Mom would say: "Time for a good housecleaning to freshen up and clean your cruddy pipes'! LOL

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