Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

So sad. All those people that believed the propaganda and got injured, so many have to live now with debilitating illnesses and can’t get their lives back, plus no one helps them or believes it’s a vaccine injury. And they’re STILL pushing the shots!! It’s just incomprehensible 😟

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Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

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Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

I saw that last night. The cognitive dissonance is astounding! His wife certainly gets it.

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Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

This is the saddest thing. People won’t believe it even if it happens to them.

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Just like I believe the vacs were bad for you, this man believes he is right, the made the right decision, and even if he was wrong, he is too proud to admit it....but this poor lady will be the one to have to bury him prematurely. Sad...

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Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

Is this not classic cognitive dissonance?

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100% cognitive dissonance. This should be a textbook example for everyone to see of cognitive dissonance. Even when presented WITH a vaccine injury diagnosis, he still cannot accept or believe it.

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Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

Does the school curriculum need to include serious emphasis on the way the world really works? Including several chapters on psychopathic manipulation throughout history?

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This idea seems to miss the fact that school itself is a 12-year program of psychological manipulation.

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Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

Just a footnote: She refused the vaxx. He took the booster and then it was all over. This study of the neurological outcomes in Italy (would never be funded in the US) is relevant:


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Downloading to read! Thank you!!!!!

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Jan 29Liked by Jennifer Brown

Worth a complete watch. What a loving, intelligent couple, faced with a disastrous vaccine injury at the end of lives together. His "denial" is not really a cognitive problem, but instead is absolutely typical of scientists who stubbornly refuse to acknowledge a mistake in judgement and stick to the narrative until a consensus of science, pharma, and medicine fess up. Which will never happen and wouldn't be reported if it did. A ever-repeating tragedy in plain sight.

Question for you vaccine injury junkies - Would levels of circulating vaccine spike protein or even better, tissue, be relevant? Can it be done? Where?

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Good for her. She gets it. What a shame, already had natural immunity. Sorry, but he should have known better when Fauci lied and said vaccine immunity was better. Everybody knows each time man tries to improve on nature, they f*** it up instead.

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