Most covid patients who ended up on ventilators did not survive…….and it was not covid pneumonia that led to intubation.
This is a 2 article report today.
First at bat:
In New York, (across the globe if we are being honest), most people who ended up on a ventilator ended up dying of “covid”. Among the 2,634 covid patients for whom outcomes were known, the overall death rate was 21%, but it rose to 88% for those who received mechanical ventilation, the Northwell Health COVID-19 Research Consortium reported. The new findings "provide a crucial early insight into the front-line response to the COVID-19 outbreak in New York," Dr. Kevin Tracey, president and CEO of the Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, said in a Northwell Health news release. The findings also add fuel to the notion that ventilators may sometimes do more harm than good for patients battling for life with severe COVID-19. Personally, I know one person who survived “covid” after being intubated. The rest all died. Intubated patients also are at risk of ventilator-associated acute lung injury, a condition caused by overinflating the lungs during mechanical ventilation.
So WHY did the addition of a ventilator end up being so fatal? There are a few reasons. 1, most ventilated patients also got Remdesivir. Which has, conservatively, a 54% fatal rate with kidney and lung failure causing death. 2, we were way too quick to ventilate patients. They claimed their O2 sats were “crashing” but remember this. NOONE OUTSIDE OF A HOSPITAL CAN VALIDATE THAT STORY. Because oh yeah, they did not let family or visitors in during covid. Have you ever heard of the term “happily hypoxic”? Millions of American’s live in happily hypoxic land daily. Those who have COPD and Emphysema average an O2 SAT of low 80’s. So this rush to intubate someone who had O2 sats 88-92 was absolutely ridiculous. Back in my ICU days, we would hold intubation until a patient was either symptomatic or their sats would not go above 80. They prematurely intubated millions of people, fluid overloaded them with IV fluids, and added Remdesivir. That was the cocktail that became so fatal.
In this article by Walter Chestnut, we examine that it was NEVER pneumonia as we were told.
“It is important to understand that the entire early response to COVID-19 was DISASTROUSLY wrong. I knew it wasn’t a traditional “pneumonia,” but did not know enough (none of us uninvolved with the WHO did then) to determine exactly what was occurring in the lungs. However, I am ALMOST CERTAIN that there are those that DID KNOW and allowed for FATAL “treatment” regimens to be implemented.
THE ARDS EVIDENT IN COVID-19 IS DUE TO THE SPIKE PROTEIN (SPED) DAMAGING THE PULMONARY CAPILLARY ENDOTHELIUM, PRECISELY IN THE SAME WAY PARAQUAT (PQ) POISONS THE LUNGS.” What does this mean? The tiny vessels in your lungs were being damaged and allowed fluids/blood to leak THROUGH the capillaries in the lungs. This caused acute respiratory distress.
“For example, viral damage to alveolar type II cells will lead to flooding of airsacs (alveoli) because the water-tight air-blood barrier is broken. This damage may be exacerbated because alveolar type II cells also produce lung surfactant. Reduced lung surfactant will lead to collapsed alveoli and reduced surface area for gas exchange. However, a hyperactive immune response will lead to an excessive accumulation of inflammatory cells, such as macrophages and neutrophils, which further increases the fluid permeability of the air-blood barrier and cell damage (Mirad & Martin; 2020).“
What does this mean? On top of the spike protein damaging the lung capillary endothelium, allowing fluids to go into spaces where air should be to breathe normally, the immune system also ramped up to try to fix this problem and caused cytokine storm. “This indicates that the Ground Glass Opacities observed in COVID-19 ARE NOT FROM “PNEUMONIA!” They are from DAMAGED ALVEOLI DUE TO THE SPIKE PROTEIN DAMAGING THE PULMONARY CAPILLARY ENDOTHELIUM!”
And that, my friends, is not a problem a ventilator will fix. If you have no alveoli to take IN oxygen to complete air exchange with your vascular system….its like pumping air into a flat tire that has a railroad spike through it. It will not hold air no matter how long you stand there at the air pump. You cannot mechanically oxygenate alveoli sacs that are deflated and full of fluid. You have to correct the fluid imbalance and stop the cytokine storm first. ICU specialized MD’s know this information I just typed out above. So why, PRAY TELL ME WHY, did they NOT correct the problem and just kept doing the same protocols over and over and over and over and people just died? I give them the benefit of the doubt the first month of covid because there was a lot of “flying blind” and chaos on what to do. But beyond that time frame? No excuse. Because at that point they were just doing what they were “told” to do. Because healthcare is an algorithm that you follow. You follow the flow chart. God forbid, anyone decide to critically think and go back to pathophysiology and inflammation and fluid balance and go “aha, I have another idea”. WHY DID NOBODY DO THAT?! There are a few that did, such as Dr. Pierre Kory at the University of Wisconsin. He did use his educated brain and used alternate protocols to treat covid. And had good success with it! He saved many lives. And guess how the University of Wisconsin rewarded him for that? THEY FIRED HIM.
It is hard to digest just how severely we have been lied to.
"I give them the benefit of the doubt the first month of covid because there was a lot of “flying blind” and chaos on what to do. But beyond that time frame? No excuse."
I agree, but only if the first month is the actual first month of covid. By the time covid got here, in the US, Real Doctors across the world had figured out the need for immediate use of anti inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants and antihistamines etc. upon the start of the inflammatory covid stage / presentation in the er and/or admittance to the hospital.
These Real Doctors were telling the world the truth about effective life saving treatment, in real time, there on the internet, for anyone with even the most basic search ability, who was willing to put in the hours, to find. THE "FIX" WAS IN FROM THE BEGINNING TO SABOTAGE COVID TREATMENT.
in "who" document "Coronavirus- Outline of designs for experimental vaccines and therapeutics"
Draft version Jan 27, 2020 WHO/HEO/R&D Blueprint (nCoV)/2020.1 * One can see it is clear THE FIX IS IN AT THE "who". The US "representative" is Hilary D. Marston "No conflict of interest declared". she is the NIAID "fauci" stand-in, a big pharma fixer ( McKinsey & Company) "plant" and a Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation "plant". note "Appropriate WHO Confidentiality Undertakings were signed and submitted to WHO by all participating experts"
"Remdesivir was considered the most promising candidate".
a big pharma "Phase I clinical development such as a TMPRSS-2 inhibitor might merit further discussion" but no mention of bromhexine.
"Immunosuppressants and immunostimulators (e.g. corticosteroids/steroids) were also identified as products to be deprioritised" " although there is evidence of efficacy in the setting of severe illness."
"Chloroquine was also mentioned as product for which there is insufficient evidence to support its further investigation.
"Non-antiviral products not on the list provided, such as statins, heparin and high dose
vitamin C, were mentioned as products for which more discussion could be
*also known as WHO R&D Blueprint Informal consultation on prioritization of candidate therapeutic agents for use in novel coronavirus 2019 infection Geneva, Switzerland, 24 January 2020
STUNNINGLY written article Doctor.
Dr. Pierre Kory Also testified in a Senate hearing. I watched it LIVE while trading the markets, following week it was banned from YouTube. Poof, be gone. The next video I ever saw of him, he was labeled an anti-vaccine Doctor.