Several years ago, I wrote an article that was picked up by Alex Jones and read on his air, criticizing his conspiracy theory about chemtrails. I could not believe my government would be that psychotic and intentional. We are being poisoned by our own government in so many ways, physical, psychological, biochemical. This to me should be the dissident rallying cry.

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I hear you, PW.

David Martin on Man in America mentioned pseudouridine being included in all vaccines knowing it increases cancer risk by 400%. If they can give you cancer, they have a customer for life and can make a ton of money. Is big pharma creating customers!?

I mentioned that to my lovely wife and she almost refuses to listen. Her heart is so innocent and pure that it is inconceivable in her mind that anyone could do something like that.

What I am getting at, is there are so so many things around us that could be the rallying cry. Pick one.

Keep up the fight, the Commander of Heaven’s Armies has our back.

Ken. Upstate SC

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I listened to Rush Limbaugh for at least a decade until he died and I remember a show with a female caller that brought up chemtrails and the lines in the sky and he ruthlessly mocked her. It was so off putting it actually made me look into it. He also mocked the idea that EMF sensitivity or issues were real. I guess we all can be blind to what is happening right in front of our faces. He also trusted the science for his cancer treatment and went through some horrible treatment experiences.

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Yes, had Limbaugh embraced a deeper reality he would no longer have been able to do his show because he would have needed to leave the mainstream conservative plantation. The psychological and social costs for radical beliefs are great.

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Started listening to Rush back in the eighties, gradually backing off to just an occasional check-in. He was mockingly dismissive of too many things that required a more fulsome knowledge to understand, knowledge that he obviously lacked.

Along with a lot of very good commonsensical assertions, he also got a bit "out there" in several ways. The sneering mockery got a bit much after a while, becoming little more than a mirror of the tactics used by the ultraleft, Alinsky-style. It's uninformative and rather tedious.

You're so right about all of us sometimes being blind to what's going on right in front of our faces. A bit of open-mindedness is a prerequisite to learning.

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What I have trouble with, people CONSTANTLY confuse CONtrails with CHEMtrails.

Anyone who gets upset by a cross pattern and huge numbers of CONtrails probably lives under/near the intersection of flight paths of commercial airlines or not far from an airport.

Most never look at an online flight tracker to see the ENORMOUS number of planes in the air at one time. There are some that don't show on the trackers for security reasons. Many have no understanding of what CONtrails are and what causes them.

Few have ever disputed that the government has tried weather manipulation for many years. I'm sure they think for purely altruistic reasons. 😕

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So you have all of your life 100% believed whatever the govt told you?

I'm curious what you based that blind, gullible, completely naive faith on?

Did you receive some kind of compensation that stopped your eyes from seeing and brain from functioning or...?

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It is an Overton's Window thing. The key for me was to be able to separate my people from my country. Once I did that, I exited the loyalty trap. How about you?

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I’ve been reading the website of Dane Wiggington for years. Geoengineering. He’s been waging a publicity campaign to awaken the public and he has posted the chemicals also. He has featured a

Video called THE DIMMING that is


Mike Adams ( The Health Ranger)

has interviewed Dane on his Brighteon channel several times

Clif High on Substack has a contest for people to submit photoss of the chemtrails they

Have posted on line .

Agent 131711 has tons of photographs on his Substack also.

This is finally an official documentation of the plan that

They have denied for so long.

Every voice counts in the struggle to fight the poisoning of our planet!

Thank you for this one and all others who speak out!!

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I'll be interested in seeing how standard cloud-seeding operations mesh with all of the misinformation, hysteria and wild guesswork being foisted on the public.

On the face of it, there's nothing new or particularly unusual about the linked report. Sure, it documents an ordinary instance of tinkering with weather, by methods used for quite a while. What would seem meaningful, is how it connects to the regime that cynically infused the word "climate" (weather patterns) with inferences that an essential trace gas is a pollutant.

Now.... the silver iodide is a bit of a conundrum. It's photosensitive, at least in certain compounds, and isn't the most savory stuff to breathe in and have concentrating in soil and groundwater. If anyone's interested, here's a study on that aspect:


Looking forward to the next installment, Jennifer; you publish interesting facts and viewpoints.

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