Jan 31·edited Jan 31

It is so depressing isn't it and here in the UK we can celebrate the UK government's 10-year-partnership with Moderna to build a state-of-the-art vaccine manufacturing centre with the ability to produce up to 250 million vaccines a year. I really feel like I want to run and hide!

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Just read abiut it. In a converted bioweapons lab. 200 "scientists" Which of your politicians are claiming credit for bringing this charming cottage industry to the UK? Let me guess - Sunak.

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I don't know but it was negotiated when Boris was PM and Savid Javid was health secretary. It will be a case of follow the money. They all make me sick just thinking about them.

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Huge celebration. 🙄☹😭🤢🤮

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I think "not good" is a gross understatement! It's grotesque! It's a travesty! It's a cluster f___!

The IRS will have to shoot and kill me, when they come to force the shots on me, because I am NOT going silently into THAT s#!77y night!

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That’s what I said when all this crap started…. They’ll have to break in and tie me up to give me that *#%* shot!

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Sadly if you were a government employee or a military person you had no choice - except the door.

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Sometimes the door is better.

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Mission Accomplished if we let them.

The United States Government committed premeditated biological and chemical warfare (terrorism) on its citizens. It was democide for a financial heist with an ongoing cover-up to conceal the crimes.

The domestic terrorism was the intentional release of a bioweapon that was created by U.S. scientists whose Gain of Function research was knowingly funded by the U.S. Government and released from the Wuhan Institute of Technology.

The world was informed this was about to happen in September 2019.

*The reason for the terrorist act was to create a worldwide acceptance of a universal MRNA vaccine (medical countermeasure) template by September 2020. That countermeasure has now killed or maimed millions of Americans.*

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Frame Shifting is exclusive to mRNA. That is when seemingly random proteins are created by the RNA. We have no idea what these proteins are doing. We are very suspicious, however, that many of the side effects, which can be deadly, are caused by these alien proteins. mRNA should be taken off the market. It never succeeded in animal trials and was moved to human trials creating human guinea pigs who have died and been maimed by the millions. Instead ... we are moving forward with this awful poison despite the data saying we should stop immediately.

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Frame shifting, DNA contamination, LNPs - what could go wrong?

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If a person is hypnotized to believe that the shots work, there is no stopping them. My brother, sadly, is a big Moderna fan. The shots are pure shit injections that harm the human body and mind. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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Your brother is playing Russian Roulette. Sooner or later he is going to hit that loaded chamber.

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mRNA - fast, cheap and dirty, and, without liability, big profit.

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And I bet NONE of them will be properly tested for safety as they should! They may as well be considered murderers 😡

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Happy I refused to take covid mRNA products, and will NEVER touch any boosters or other fraudulent "vaccines" being pumped out like candy.

But I worry for my friends and family who took covid shots, and for those who gobble up every "vaccine" available.

I know a dozen friends and family with serious medical conditions from their covid products. All were very healthy prior. More "coincidences."

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Thank you for the article. The question to ask is where is Moderna acquiring the mRNA and where is the research being conducted? Shasha Latypova’s Substack on Moderna states that Kenneth Chien cofounder of Moderna is on the Board of Directors at Aldevron a biotechnology company which makes and distributes mRNA. According to the Aldevron website, it’s facilities are located in Fargo, ND, Madison, Wisconsin and Lincoln, Nebraska with associations at North Dakota State University, University of Wisconsin and University of Nebraska campuses. Are these universities conducting mRNA research for Aldevron?

Aldevron was bought by Danaher (DHR) for $9.6 billion in 2021. Bill Gates has DHR listed as one of his investments. Bill Gates also has invested in farmland in each of these states where Aldevron has facilities. Is there a connection?

Is it time to investigate Aldevron?

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I'm goin' to hold out for the one against "Disease X😂

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As NO VIRUSES exist and have never proven to exist there is no need for ANY vaccines. Every single one of them is 100% rubbish. The greatest sin I ever committed against my 2 children was getting jabbed in the late 80s through sheer ignorance and simply following a set path. The pro vax lobby, and I include GPs are the thickest idiots on planet earth!!

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deletedJan 31
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I'm truly frightened.

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We need to turn the fear to resolve. Moderna is in Norwood, MA. This would make for a great protest setting for our resistance.

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If action is a sit-in, I've already been there- done that. Don't get me wrong, bringing awareness to the masses is essential to changing a culture, but the "what's in it for me" attitude is so pervasive as to be unwinnable.

If I can't influence my own family...


And why did 'Deleted' delete the comment??

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