I am a Trump fan. He scares the hell out of the elites, which must be a good thing. He does not believe the climate change hoax and will restore our economy through our most abundant natural resource, oil. I have 2 kids in the military. He believes in no wars but peace through strength. I could go on and on ... all you need to know is that liberal elites are so scared that they have charged him with nearly 100 bogus felonies. Now, if only we had fair elections ... unfortunately we don't.

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100% agree with you!

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I'd like to see a Governor (Sarah Sanders?) form a group of Governors/AGs to take back their 10th Amendment powers that have been usurped by the federal government.


They NEED to fight the Feds on this. There are FEW issues that the Constitution allow the Feds to actually control. The states like all the Fed money, when in fact, IF the states kept much of the money sent to DC, they wouldn't need the crumbs and could do a better job and actually have MORE money.

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I totally agree! If the states would just take their power back…….things would change REAL quick!!! They forget that DC works for US, not the other way around.

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Since in a binary choice Trump vs Biden, there really is no choice, I think even some of the MSM/legacy media is starting to wake up that Trump will be elected and must come to terms with the egregious inequality of the application of justice. MSM has been piling on for too long, working tax paying Americans all know it and they, unlike the Eastern/Left Coastal elites, have a sense of fairness. A respect for the underdog. J6 political prisoners alone is enough. November '24 elections will be quite a show. I've ordered extra popcorn for the after 2AM returns.

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I’m not a Trump fan, but I have been against this lawfare against him. The first trial was a joke when the judge declared that he was guilty and Trump had to prove his innocence.

Hillary should have been charged, tried and convicted for creating the Russia gate saga, but she just paid a fine.

And it wasn’t until he declared that he was running again that all the 'crimes' popped up. They had 3 years to bring charges…. And it looks like every DA spoke with the WH first. And if he’s so guilty why do they have to change definitions and the statute of limitations?

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May 13Edited

It seems that CNN agrees with you.


"The trials against him keep him in the spotlight, infuriate his base — who sees him as a martyr — and may even make him the object of some sympathy among people in general who believe his prosecutors are politically motivated.

This happens to be true, in my opinion. I doubt the New York Indictment would have been brought against a defendant whose name was not Trump."

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100% agree!!!

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Excellent points, especially regarding the need for States to band together against the creeping tyranny of our power-grabbing federal government.These corruptocrats have done exactly what our Constitution protected the citizens against—a rights-stealing federal government. The States MUST reclaim the powers given to them in that brilliant document. Our Founders may not have been able to predict AR-15s, computers, etc. but they had seen tyranny and knew how to predict the tactics of tyrants.

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