If this was not so serious it would be funny. These "super shedders" were the ones that used the terms "super spreaders". Remember the Sturgis rally, "The Super Spreader Event"? Many of these shedders are the same arrogant assholes walking around with their noses in the air because "they did their part". The same people posting a picture of their child, at zero risk, getting their poison shot. "I wear a mask for the unvaccinated", that was my personal favorite. Now they are walking, contagious, infections. I understand why the good doctor said we should not discriminate the other way ... but that is very hard.
Remember way back in the early, Wild West days of the internet? There was an e-mail passed around titled something like "Cowboy Wisdom"? It was a list of pithy sayings about the way life works. The one I remember went something like this: If you teach a person or a critter a lesson in meanness, don't be surprised if they turn right around and show you how they took it to heart. Kind of like: As yea sow, so shall yea reap. I'm not a big believer in "justice", but I do believe in revenge.
This is exactly why getting a vaccine isn’t just an individual choice anymore and this deserves to be discussed. They were just talking about how the MPox vaccine insert states shedding for up to 6 weeks that can be very harmful for certain people. That is also a two shot vaccine so you are talking about someone possibly shedding for 9+ weeks. Trump just announced Stargate which includes an AI/mRNA cancer vaccine component. These things are here to stay it seems and they are going to put a lot of people at risk. Interestingly when I read that article it mentioned nose bleeds and a few years ago I was having frequent nose bleeds that I never correlated to shedding. I don’t get them normally and since that was 2022 it was probably shedding. Frankly I’d rather have Covid or any other respiratory disease than be shed on by a gene therapy recipient.
This sounds like a case for Captain Obvious! Vaccines are for "preventing" viral infections. (I know, they are more of a population control thing now, but stick with me) They do this by exposing the body to the offending virus so that antibodies can be produced. How do unvaccinated virus spread in the wild? The virus replicates like mad in the host and then the newly minted virus leave the host to find their own host. This would be "shedding". Since this is how virus behave naturally, why would anyone expect the COVID 19(84) virus to be any different? Of course the virus (dead or alive) from EVERY SINGLE VACCINE SHED! I can remember the 7th grade biology class lecture on virus. The teacher went to great pains to impress upon us that virus from vaccinations shed like wild virus. I think it was a test essay question. It must have been a powerful lecture if I remember it it 50 years on. I wonder if this is taught any more? How do they explain the life cycle of the virus without the shedding? Maybe I paid too much attention in class...
I get shingles outbreaks when I am around freshly vaxxed people since the Covid jab came out... Just like clockwork. My doctor has confirmed my theory as well. So frustrating and painful to get shed on!
Some of these data make me know I am not imagining, and never have been. Sometimes one can just know something in their spirit without proof that can be shared with others. I have always been very sensitive to small changes in my environment and things I see and feel in nature. I get symptoms of illness every time I am around people who have taken the jab. Especially those, who think they have a badge of honor, ignorant of how they are affecting others, with their blind following of unproven Pharma directives. It is a very sad fact we will never return to normalcy.
If this was not so serious it would be funny. These "super shedders" were the ones that used the terms "super spreaders". Remember the Sturgis rally, "The Super Spreader Event"? Many of these shedders are the same arrogant assholes walking around with their noses in the air because "they did their part". The same people posting a picture of their child, at zero risk, getting their poison shot. "I wear a mask for the unvaccinated", that was my personal favorite. Now they are walking, contagious, infections. I understand why the good doctor said we should not discriminate the other way ... but that is very hard.
Remember way back in the early, Wild West days of the internet? There was an e-mail passed around titled something like "Cowboy Wisdom"? It was a list of pithy sayings about the way life works. The one I remember went something like this: If you teach a person or a critter a lesson in meanness, don't be surprised if they turn right around and show you how they took it to heart. Kind of like: As yea sow, so shall yea reap. I'm not a big believer in "justice", but I do believe in revenge.
This is exactly why getting a vaccine isn’t just an individual choice anymore and this deserves to be discussed. They were just talking about how the MPox vaccine insert states shedding for up to 6 weeks that can be very harmful for certain people. That is also a two shot vaccine so you are talking about someone possibly shedding for 9+ weeks. Trump just announced Stargate which includes an AI/mRNA cancer vaccine component. These things are here to stay it seems and they are going to put a lot of people at risk. Interestingly when I read that article it mentioned nose bleeds and a few years ago I was having frequent nose bleeds that I never correlated to shedding. I don’t get them normally and since that was 2022 it was probably shedding. Frankly I’d rather have Covid or any other respiratory disease than be shed on by a gene therapy recipient.
This sounds like a case for Captain Obvious! Vaccines are for "preventing" viral infections. (I know, they are more of a population control thing now, but stick with me) They do this by exposing the body to the offending virus so that antibodies can be produced. How do unvaccinated virus spread in the wild? The virus replicates like mad in the host and then the newly minted virus leave the host to find their own host. This would be "shedding". Since this is how virus behave naturally, why would anyone expect the COVID 19(84) virus to be any different? Of course the virus (dead or alive) from EVERY SINGLE VACCINE SHED! I can remember the 7th grade biology class lecture on virus. The teacher went to great pains to impress upon us that virus from vaccinations shed like wild virus. I think it was a test essay question. It must have been a powerful lecture if I remember it it 50 years on. I wonder if this is taught any more? How do they explain the life cycle of the virus without the shedding? Maybe I paid too much attention in class...
I get shingles outbreaks when I am around freshly vaxxed people since the Covid jab came out... Just like clockwork. My doctor has confirmed my theory as well. So frustrating and painful to get shed on!
Some of these data make me know I am not imagining, and never have been. Sometimes one can just know something in their spirit without proof that can be shared with others. I have always been very sensitive to small changes in my environment and things I see and feel in nature. I get symptoms of illness every time I am around people who have taken the jab. Especially those, who think they have a badge of honor, ignorant of how they are affecting others, with their blind following of unproven Pharma directives. It is a very sad fact we will never return to normalcy.
All I can say is WOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!