Always been amazed at how you can do research for these articles and take care of a full medical practice and family. Take a break and come back strong. We need your voice.
If you read the post, I didn’t test. It was tongue in cheek making fun of the variant name they are pedaling. I don’t know what virus I have, it doesn’t matter, I just know I felt like crap all week so far.
Opening of paragraph 2: “I don’t test for things…….”
I have had a super busy July. Short nights and long days…… out of a good routine for 10 days right before I started feeling yucky. Lack of sleep would be spot on accurate!
Unfortunately, this week 2 of my partners at work are on vacation, so I am covering 3 of us. Timing was not great to get sick! Resting a ton after telehealth from home. ♥️
You are right…..oddly enough I do tend to get some kind of crud in the summer more than I do in the winter! I have been pushing lots of C/zinc/ivermectin/D/quercetin. **if anyone does quercetin and ivermectin take them opposite times of the day per FLCCC.
I have a “I love lemon” organic tea that is AMAZINGGGGGGG. Along with local honey 🥰
Did you try zinc glutamate? 50 mg tablets. One in the morning one in the evening with food or yogurt or somesuch. Ivermectin too of course is miraculous. Hope you’re feeling better soon! Best regards’Dr Dorothy’ (Google medical degree!)
I just take the horse paste version for Ivermectin. It is easier and less hoops to jump through to get it. I keep it in stock for “just in case”. It is all I have taken the last 3-4 years, I didn’t want to waste time haggling with a pharmacy to fill the pills or find someone to prescribe them locally. I can’t prescribe to myself so I just use the paste version.
I am almost back to normal! Fever gone, cough is almost gone. The virus settled in my vocal cords so I have very little speaking ability since Thursday, but that is improving today as well. Still a little tired, but I am taking it easy and relaxing when I feel tired. Daily posts resume tomorrow and back to work I go on Monday! 🥳
And shame on the pharma industry for making the damn pills so expensive for people! $20 per pill is RIDICULOUS!!!!!! I have heard FLCCC mailing them to you isn’t much cheaper either, sadly.
For funtimes you should watch some pre 2020 commercials about symptom suppressants we all used so we could get through dinner or a movie without coughing, because we were so selfish back then. Horribly imaginable people inflicting our disease on others around us. How dare we uncerenmoniously call this "a thursday!"
Always been amazed at how you can do research for these articles and take care of a full medical practice and family. Take a break and come back strong. We need your voice.
We used to have a summer flu, now it's all Covid...UGH
Drink tea and eat a few chocolates! Take Care, nurse Dee
I am totally going to get chocolate on board! ♥️
Why not call it a cold? Those tests do not work. Just read the insert. They never claimed that the tests worked.
If you read the post, I didn’t test. It was tongue in cheek making fun of the variant name they are pedaling. I don’t know what virus I have, it doesn’t matter, I just know I felt like crap all week so far.
Opening of paragraph 2: “I don’t test for things…….”
I understand that, just a suggestion.
I did read that far. But some people don't. You know.....
😲 It's the bird flu!!! Everybody grab your chickens and hide them!
😉😊😋 I hope you feel better soon!
LMAO!!! Thank you friend!
Glad you liked it and it made you smile.
Take care and feel better soon. We'll be here and waiting.
Bless you and take your drug-that-shall-not-be-mentioned. 🙏
Yes ma’am! It has been deployed! 😎
No doubt you are wearing 3 masks and social distancing! People get sick, some more than others ... always have always will. Get well soon Jennifer :)
Triple masking, 6 feet to slow the spread and save grandma! Like a good compliant little minion! 🥳
Cue the remedies in the comment section in 3, 2, Hope you feel better soon!
Get well soon!♥️
IMHO colds can be contagious
and picked up in lots of places.
I’ve heard that it takes ahold when our bodies get too acid. Then you want to alkalize with lemon juice or baking soda etc. I think when we
Overwork or have too much anxiety from current bad news etc
We just make ourselves stop with a cold to retreat into a clamshell?
Rest and recover… as we don’t have to work every single minute?
I have had a super busy July. Short nights and long days…… out of a good routine for 10 days right before I started feeling yucky. Lack of sleep would be spot on accurate!
Unfortunately, this week 2 of my partners at work are on vacation, so I am covering 3 of us. Timing was not great to get sick! Resting a ton after telehealth from home. ♥️
Your body MAY be going through a detox which may present in full as a cold.
If a person detoxes too fast or the detox is working...
Possibly mega-dose PROBIOTICS ( illness often starts in gut/ intestines) Vitamin C, Magnesium. Drink Lemon oil/ squeezed lemon infused warm water ( citrus breaks up mucus) Fiji water( electrolytes, silica).
Both supplements may be mega-dosed...
Years and years of studies show no major side effects other than 'the runs' but who cares, one is getting rid of toxins
All the best to you.
You are right…..oddly enough I do tend to get some kind of crud in the summer more than I do in the winter! I have been pushing lots of C/zinc/ivermectin/D/quercetin. **if anyone does quercetin and ivermectin take them opposite times of the day per FLCCC.
I have a “I love lemon” organic tea that is AMAZINGGGGGGG. Along with local honey 🥰
Hope your feeling better soon!
Did you try zinc glutamate? 50 mg tablets. One in the morning one in the evening with food or yogurt or somesuch. Ivermectin too of course is miraculous. Hope you’re feeling better soon! Best regards’Dr Dorothy’ (Google medical degree!)
I am on zinc and ivermectin! It has been a God-send this week. I made a big positive turn today. Fever is gone now so that is a huge bonus!!!!! ♥️
Where do you get your ivermectin from. I know a local doctor who will prescribe but the pills are close to $20 a pill. Really expensive for 30 days.
How are you feeling? Have you recovered?
I just take the horse paste version for Ivermectin. It is easier and less hoops to jump through to get it. I keep it in stock for “just in case”. It is all I have taken the last 3-4 years, I didn’t want to waste time haggling with a pharmacy to fill the pills or find someone to prescribe them locally. I can’t prescribe to myself so I just use the paste version.
I am almost back to normal! Fever gone, cough is almost gone. The virus settled in my vocal cords so I have very little speaking ability since Thursday, but that is improving today as well. Still a little tired, but I am taking it easy and relaxing when I feel tired. Daily posts resume tomorrow and back to work I go on Monday! 🥳
And shame on the pharma industry for making the damn pills so expensive for people! $20 per pill is RIDICULOUS!!!!!! I have heard FLCCC mailing them to you isn’t much cheaper either, sadly.
Thank you. Glad you are feeling better!
For funtimes you should watch some pre 2020 commercials about symptom suppressants we all used so we could get through dinner or a movie without coughing, because we were so selfish back then. Horribly imaginable people inflicting our disease on others around us. How dare we uncerenmoniously call this "a thursday!"
This just made my day 😂