The above photo was shared by NJ informed Nurse on Twitter. This is a small piece of the puzzle, it is a pediatric office that is discharging all non-vaccinated pediatric patients. But this is way bigger than pediatricians giving unvaxxed patients the boot.
The access to care PERIOD has become nearly impossible. I have never in my life seen the mass migration of primary care providers out of the profession at as rapid of a pace as of late. I see on average 30 patients per day, and at least 5 of them will ask me who I recommend for a primary care physician, because theirs retired/quit/got sick/died/moved. The time it takes to get into a primary care office in my area, which is a metropolitan area of almost 2 million people, is about 8 months for a new patient. Need to see a neurologist? That is gonna be a 10-12 month wait. Cardiology? See ya in 6 months. Psych? The usual answer is we are not taking new patients. I refuse to stop taking new patients because there is NO-ONE ELSE to get into. The center for aging, which specializes in dementia and neurocognitive decline, is running 6 months for a new patient intake. And when you do finally see them, good luck getting the tests they order or any records sent to the rest of your providers. I won’t even get started on the shortage of nurses, home health providers who are not taking new patients or just fail to show up at their patients homes that day.
So my question becomes 1. Is this happening everywhere? I would suspect so.
My other question is why the ridiculous wait times to see a provider?? I wish it was altruistic causes and they all stood up and said no to the vaccine and left corporate healthcare to open their own offices but that is certainly not what happened. They literally vanished. Some are deceased, but others are just gone. Where did they all go? Are we so inundated with “sudden coincidence injuries” that we are that overrun and unable to keep pace to meet patient demand? (Most likely). But the question is where did most of these providers GO? When you ask, colleagues truly do not know! They will just say “they gave their 30 day notice and we have no clue where they are”. And most interesting, they were indeed the providers that heavily pushed vaccines so again, it is not anti vaccine altruism driving this. They are not working for Dr. McCullough or the FLCCC or other healthcare freedom fighting entities. I am sure some are burnt out and just decided to retire early. But most of these are young, as in late 40’s to early 50’s, still have kids at home, dependents that rely on a parent to support them financially. A few have become tragically ill with cancer.
If there was ever a time to have a healthcare back-up plan, it is now. Find a holistic or functional medicine provider, even if they are a cash pay office, so you know you have healthcare if you need it. It is glaringly obvious that depending on the previous regime to provide you care is not reliable whatsoever. I have said for a long time that healthcare needs to crumble to the ground to be rebuilt into something good, healthy, and patient centered. Perhaps we are just starting to see the signs of that very thing happening. But one thing I do know, if you decide you need to see a provider for even a basic physical, it is becoming nearly impossible to find one that can see you in less than 6-8 months.
This winter is going to be filthy nasty when the cooties begin to circulate. It may be the death knell for healthcare, and patients will be who suffer.
I just read this Op-Ed by our old pal Scott Gottlieb about AI coming in to take on doctors roles sooner than later. Convenient we have a mass exodus and shortage of doctors to expedite this trend. The same people that always tell you not to look up your symptoms and self diagnose are looking to AI to take your symptoms and diagnose. And even natural paths that take cash seem to be over burdened. Mine is 5-6 weeks out which may not seem like a lot but just a year ago I could get right in. I wonder if the AI will hold your diagnosis hostage if you aren’t vaccinated.
I was booted from my primary because I don't wear masks. I tried to be courteous and sit/stand away from others (I wasn't sick or showing signs other than strep throat, which I have quite often). I just can't stand anything over my face.
It wasn't my NP who pushed the issue, as she seemed to care less. It was the "office manager" and a 20 something gal who draws blood.
I've been trying for 2 years to find most ANYONE who will take new far no luck.
BTW, this is a satellite office of UVA in VA. This ban I suspect is system wide! They own most of the hospitals and clinics in middle VA. 😒