While I agree they should give these hospital administrators the middle finger, I do hope they go back to work at hospitals because I am now terrified of these places & terrified of the complicit nurses and doctors who went along with harmful protocols. I need a surgical procedure, but too afraid to seek the help I need. I’d feel a lot more comfortable with unvaxxed medical staff to guide me with discernment & honest advice or recommendations. We need good, smart folks with integrity working in our hospitals. Our research facilities. Our military. We want unvaxxed workers to come back! They’re the ones we can trust! Have a great day!

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I pray I never have to submit my health or body to any of these maniacs ever again. They betrayed us and are not worthy of our trust.

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What a massively backhanded letter. Still blaming the nurses for having used their thinking skills. They should tear the letter into pieces and mail it back. Kaiser won’t hesitate to pull the same stunt again.

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Liked very much.

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I would only go back to work for these places if they gave me backpay. Otherwise, the Big Finger.

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How can being shot up now not be "a requirement" yet at the same time you're expected to verify your status annually??

I wish I'd got a letter from Pfizer Permanente.

I'd make a special trip to specially purchase the biggest blackest Permanente Marker I could find just for the satisfaction of scrawling "Go F**k Yourselves" on it, and return to sender.

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The real question is why? Why do they want the unboxed back? There's making noises about the bird flu and trying to scare people with it. You trust these m************ again? I don't think so

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These lyng MFers. The law -- both natural and statutory (which is supposed to reflect the natural law) -- requires 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. Not "exemption." Accommodation of sincerely held religious beliefs for which any "test" or confirmation is also unlawful. Oh, and one can be an atheist and still be accommodated for their "religious" beliefs.

They use the word "exemption" -- these outright liars or ignoramuses (and probably both) -- to deceive and to applaud themselves for their "generosity" in awarding them. If a freeking snot pouch works, then all those who declined the needle would have to wear one. That's called an 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏. By law, if anyone who submitted to the needle and thus could dispense with the snot pouch discriminated against those without them (the obviously unneedled), the company -- by law -- had to address that discrimination.

I know this stuff because I spent a half a dozen years as an administrative manager in a major Boston bank. I followed this with nearly 20 years in HR, my last position as the senior-most recruiting leader for a subsidiary of the world's No. 1 super duper university with headquarters in Cambridge, MA. I left that job and all that income and a full retirement because I knew the stampede was coming -- and I refused to be a part of it. Come what may. As I told my husband, "I'll sell everything I have before I cooperate with this shit!"

I knew I'd be able to get my own 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, but they could take those snot pouches and shove 'em. I declined those, too. Plus, even if I got the 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒎𝒐𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏, I would be called upon to lead a team of people charged with bringing in new employees. I simply refused to be a part of their having to tell candidates that a medical intervention with experimental shit was a condition of employment.

Thanks for letting me vent. Four+ years later, and I still have head explosions over this crime and the cooperation and ongoing complicity of my fellow "Americans."

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Very well said. I agree with your perfect explanation of the crimes. I also agree with your assessment of "our fellow Americans" - as a nurse that I met in AZ this Winter said - "first, there was the great dumbing-down." ( she quit because of the stupidity ). So-called intelligent people can be very, very stupid. History proves this. See "The Indoctrinated Brain" for the real reason for the spike protein and the S1, S2 subunits. Mercola did an article today on it & Tucker Carlson interviewed the author. Peace. ☺️

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There should be a book full of all the terms for "mask." Snot pouches, face diapers...And now the government can simply drive around and find who their most ardent supporters will be...those still getting boosters and still wearing the mask.

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A big middle finger.

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🤣🤣 100%

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Anyone who left KP because of how they infringed upon your right to bodily autonomy, I hope you continue to stay far far away from these evil creatures. Never comply. Never surrender.

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Why did this letter make me so angry? And I am not even a nurse that got fired. If you have not done so, watch the PBD podcast on YouTube from yesterday that had a debate with Dave Smith vs. Chris Cuomo on Covid. Chris Cuomo refuses to see that he did anything wrong. It is maddening.

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but to see him face that moment on video, on screen where him and Don Lemon make fun of "horse dewormer" is going to be one for the books.

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While it would be principled to flip the bird, the bottom line is the bottom line. Kaiser has often been referred to by its employees as having the quality of "golden handcuffs," meaning, the bennies/pay were so good, you need not look elsewhere for a paycheck. Based on that alone, and notwithstanding the bullshit letter referenced above, I bet very few will flip the bird and the great majority, in whose market Kaiser is the *only* HMO employer, will return and demand wage rates not seen for RNs in our lifetime. And rightfully so. Kaiser should rightfully be ::FLEECED:: and then litigated into oblivion along with the other medico-tyrants cough Mayo cough BCBS.

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Right. Let's start new, independent, wholistic practices in good places with educated patients.

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My thoughts exactly!

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Holistic practices don’t do surgery. They send you to the hospital for that! We need unvaxxed smart people in those God forsaken places.

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Yes, sadly. Make sure you create your own blood supply and work with a nurse advocate who will go with you or be on call for all decisions. Try to schedule your procedure for daytime when they will be less apt to abuse you. I am thinking long-term, to bring down these broken behemoth criminal enterprises. The only way to do that is to starve them of patients and labor.

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Hospitals were big hypocrites anyway because they fired nurses who wouldn’t get jabbed and hired traveling nurses who weren’t jabbed.

Yeah definitely give them the middle finger and hopefully find a lawyer to sue them.

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Corporate "hospitals" belong in the shitter. They can go pound sand. The fascism today tops 1930's Germany. 🤮🖕🖕🖕 Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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I didn't see an apology or a sincere plea to return to employment because Kaiser needs them. How about back pay since firing? Kaiser has to "do better."

I can foresee no circumstance where any nurse betrayed and wronged by Kaiser would return based upon such a defensive and condescending letter.

And how dare Kaiser insist upon an annual update of covid jab status?

Kaiser can go to hell.

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What is that about? Why does jab status matter for a vaccine that does nothing to stop infection or transmission? "We're keeping tabs on those who didn't comply."

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Keyser Söze ;)

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First, it will cost them $1M.

No questions. In advance. No strings.

Second, I'll have to be retrained on your dime.

Again, no strings.

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