April 2nd is not only a school board election, a biggie was added to the ballot. Will residents agree to an increased sales tax (already voted yes on many years ago and due to expire in 2031) and extend it to 2064 so that it can fund a total renovation of Arrowhead and build a brand new Royals stadium?
The county legislature could barely muster enough votes to get this on the ballot. The county is asking for the sports teams to fund $760k of the election due to their sales tax question raising the cost to run the election.
The Chiefs want $800 MILLION dollars to revamp the stadium, and the Royals (the worst baseball team known to man outside of 1985, 2014, and 2015) want a whole brand new stadium downtown. People who are not sportsball fans don’t want to pay for this new set of upgrades. Arrowhead just had major renovations after Super Bowl win #1.
Anywho…….news has started leaking out this week that if Jackson County residents don’t agree to the sales tax increase, then the Chiefs are going to look at options to leave Kansas City and go elsewhere. Is that a threat? A promise? Coercion to make sure the vote passes on April 2nd? Quid Pro Quo? You give us sales tax money and we will stay, if you don’t, then after 2031 we’re out like a bad habit?
How are articles like this not considered election interference?! They are putting it all on the table now: do this for us, or we are gonna do this to you.
New (unnecessary) baseball stadium in Arlington Texas for the Rangers. We were told the same thing, the Rangers might leave if this isn't approved. But word is it was the city pushing it, the Rangers didn't want to leave. Public voted by 51% to approve. They ran on "no new taxes" failing to admit the tax was due to expire
The Colts did about the same thing to Indy many, many years ago.
Yes, it is coercion. It is a threat.