Hugely important story that is naming names. Robert Kennedy et.al. are suing the Trusted News Initiative for a 1st Amendment Rights violation. I believe they will win. This explains why mainstream outlets all sing the same tune. They wait for Reuters or the Associated Press to send the signal and follow along. Soros controls both entities. Then, if necessary he pays social media to censor dissent. Soros is essentially creating and running the news propaganda service in the United States. He creates and maintains all sanctioned narratives. He maintains power by psychological warfare (resorting to anti-Semitic and racist defenses to disempower legitimate attacks).

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Soros has been wreaking havoc all over the world for years.

There is a warrant for him in Russia. He isn't welcomed in Britian (he almost destroyed the Pound Sterling in 1992) after he made $1.5B shorting the Pound. He was also messing with the Greek economy when they were such a mess.

Soros is 92, so won't be around much longer. His son Alexander is supposed to take over when that day comes. We can only hope that Alex decides to be more of a playboy and not as astute an investor/hedge fund manager.

He cares NOTHING about anyone or anything except POWER and CONTROL.

His Foundation is behind much of the funding of the illegal immigration. He sponsors several NGOs. They sponsored Occupy Wallstreet and probably much of ANTIFA/BLM.

They are thought to be behind much of the voting issues all over. And is proven to be funding campaigns of State Attorney Generals, local District Attorneys and officials.

I have championed a RICO investigation against him and his Open Society Foundation. That won't happen as long as we have our current DOJ.

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What is so sad about all of this is that we who are here reading this information are aware of the insidious evil of George Soros and his sycophants. The question is, how do we make the world aware of it so that it finally believes? I know that in our family also there is widespread disbelief when I begin to share statistics and outcomes. The MSM is so ingrained into the American landscape, such that it is almost impossible to shake people from their belief that the media is telling the truth. It is simply frustrating as hell.

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SOROS? Satanic Obsfucator Rewriting Ordered Society.

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Look, it's easy to sit and criticize these people for selling out. But until George Soros offers me $100 million to go along with his plan, I can't REALLY know if I wouldn't do the same thing. Obviously the next logical step is for him to offer me $100 million to shut up........... 😁 😆 😅

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