The "tests" were 100% fear-porn bullshit from day 1. The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, said his test can never detect infection. He challenged Fauci but the mass-murderer would never debate him. Peace. :-)
Wait a minute, the treatment for something not that bad to begin with is worse than the affliction, and now testing for it could also be more dangerous?
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would think that the very vaccine rollout and testing kits were designed as ways to rationalize the actions to begin with. "See, look at all the sickness, the "positives", we were right to lockdown society and make them take the vaccine...imagine if there were any much worse it would be."
On twitter, I talked to someone way too long about long covid. They maintain that there are 3x Long Covid cases among the unvaccinated as opposed to the vaccinated. They provided no data to support this.
I am not opposed to the idea of post viral Covid syndrome, but I would bet that it is more prevalent among the vaccinated and it makes sense on many fronts.
I remember when the big COVID Testing fury began. Everyone was encouraged to order tests which would be delivered through the Postal Service. (I think this was a subsidy to the USPS) Through some glitch, my household received many times the standard number of tests. More than 100. With so many testing kits available, I decided to experiment. I ran 5 tests at a time for each of the 3 people living at my house and one control. The results were all over the place. The control group, which was a swab that had not come near the nose of anyone, had 3 positives and 2 negatives. It was similar for the actual test subjects. We all concluded that these "tests" were not accurate and a waste of time. For some reason they kept coming in volume for a while. Then they stopped. I kindly delivered the massive surplus to a church that was collecting them. I thought it was fitting as they seemed to be more a matter of faith than science.
In Feb/Mar of 2022 they said the test liquid often included toxic sodium azide and they claimed poison control centers were getting reports of exposure. That story disappeared without any type of resolution or test recall. If something is that toxic shouldn’t there be protocols on proper disposal too?! Another garbage and possibly deadly EUA product that is still being sold.
The "tests" were 100% fear-porn bullshit from day 1. The inventor of the test, Kary Mullis, said his test can never detect infection. He challenged Fauci but the mass-murderer would never debate him. Peace. :-)
100% this right here. 🙌🏻
Wait a minute, the treatment for something not that bad to begin with is worse than the affliction, and now testing for it could also be more dangerous?
Total clown world isn’t it?!?
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I would think that the very vaccine rollout and testing kits were designed as ways to rationalize the actions to begin with. "See, look at all the sickness, the "positives", we were right to lockdown society and make them take the vaccine...imagine if there were any much worse it would be."
On twitter, I talked to someone way too long about long covid. They maintain that there are 3x Long Covid cases among the unvaccinated as opposed to the vaccinated. They provided no data to support this.
I am not opposed to the idea of post viral Covid syndrome, but I would bet that it is more prevalent among the vaccinated and it makes sense on many fronts.
I remember when the big COVID Testing fury began. Everyone was encouraged to order tests which would be delivered through the Postal Service. (I think this was a subsidy to the USPS) Through some glitch, my household received many times the standard number of tests. More than 100. With so many testing kits available, I decided to experiment. I ran 5 tests at a time for each of the 3 people living at my house and one control. The results were all over the place. The control group, which was a swab that had not come near the nose of anyone, had 3 positives and 2 negatives. It was similar for the actual test subjects. We all concluded that these "tests" were not accurate and a waste of time. For some reason they kept coming in volume for a while. Then they stopped. I kindly delivered the massive surplus to a church that was collecting them. I thought it was fitting as they seemed to be more a matter of faith than science.
WUT . A. SHOCK. Accidental or accidental on purpose. I knew people were bound to be getting “sick” from some of these kits.
In Feb/Mar of 2022 they said the test liquid often included toxic sodium azide and they claimed poison control centers were getting reports of exposure. That story disappeared without any type of resolution or test recall. If something is that toxic shouldn’t there be protocols on proper disposal too?! Another garbage and possibly deadly EUA product that is still being sold.