Fragrances and chemicals in all kinds of personal hygiene products, cleaning products and detergents are also extremely toxic. I went through and transitioned away from all the commercial brands several years ago and I can’t even stand being around people that wash their clothing in Tide, the smell is so overpowering and distinct I can detect it on some people walking in a parking lot 30 feet away. I can barely stand being within a few aisles of the cleaning / laundry supplies in grocery stores and big box stores. And these brands do not have to even disclose everything in their product as long as it is a proprietary formula. That is what happens when you regard everything as generally safe. Cumulatively we end up exposed to way more than our bodies can handle. And once you detox from these chemicals I’ve found people tend to have an extreme reaction to being exposed again.

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Mike Adams. The Health Ranger on Brighteon.com reports the

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Like with a cigarette smoker's house, I have always been able to tell a person burns candles by the residue everywhere in their home. Not all the wax is consumed by the flame. It solidifies on all the surfaces.

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I guess I’m accidently touching this before completing a sentence ?

Anyway Mike Adams sells cleaning products that are fragrance free!

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Exact same thing. He can’t stand to be near people who smell like most things d

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Soy or beeswax candles.


You will not die...🤣

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Environmental toxins are a big consumer item - in fact ubiquitous in our consumerist economy. Most of this stuff is pushed on us subliminally by Big Advertising. Processed foods? let's not get started.

Candles can be a comfort to some folks. Not to worry FDA and WHO have our backs - 4 hours is OK?

Me? I prefer the more serious health hazard of my wood burning fireplace! Smells good and the exercise cutting, gathering, and splitting offsets all health debits😂

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So. Much. Money. Of. Mine. Will be thrown away soon 😭 😭 😭. .. I AM THE CANDLE factory... Oyyyyy

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Confession is good for the soul.

I developed a beneficial dislike of candles from an early age from 1) a strong dislike of the smell of the soot after candles on birthday cakes are blown out and from 2) having been asked, on a number of occasions, to undertake the frustrating task of tinting paint, to match, to touch-up a candle soot spot on a spray textured ceiling and from 3) the smell of "scented candles".

Now then the scent of a little frankincense in simmering water ... mm-m good

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Good to know!! Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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