In 2019 Dr. Joneigh Khaldun became the Chief Medical Executive for the State of Michigan and Chief Deputy Director for Health in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). I watched a news conference where she was asked why the vaccine is required if you've already had covid since you would have natural immunity. She replied, "That's not the kind of immunity we're looking for." Next question.

Apparently, she was following The Science™ since she's now the Vice President and Chief Health Equity Officer of CVS Health.

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I have a local holistic minded MD that actually prescribed me Ivermectin and I went to my RiteAid to fill it and they only gave me half of what my Dr prescribed.

Then I got a big fat letter from my insurance company with~you guessed it~ a big picture of a HORSE!!! And a condescending de wormer lecture on why this is so dangerous, blah blah blah..

I was not prescribed this by a vet! These were tables not horse paste! Talk about gaslighting!

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They also made sure Ivermectin sold for animals was scarce. In 2021 the “little farm feed stores” in our small town were all having trouble getting any product in any form. What they did get sold out immediately and it would then be weeks or months before they got more. They really didn’t want you to have it in any form. Fortunately we have a great compounding pharmacy but the cost of the pills was $5+ per pill for a medicine that should be pennies on the dollar.

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Plus they changed the formula in the paste after 2021. They made sure it would be toxic then.... Evil.

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@Suzy Lindgren how do you know the formula in the paste was changed? Articles? Links?


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My doctor warned me. He originally showed me how much to use, and months later gave me the heads up that they were changing it... it seems like if it was manufactured after 12/22? I am sorry I don't quite recall.. that time was a blur, but if I find my notes I will update

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It makes me so angry and all the woke 30 something’s drinking the kool aid. I have 3 great nephews with true issues I know it was because of the shot.

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It is so sad when you see the repercussions of that damn shot harming people you love!

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Absolutely. Rejecting these crony corporate brands is the most important way we have to resist the killer blob. I would like to see the top voices in the resistance helping us do that by advocating and organizing like you are Jennifer. Picketing would help. A sign that said "CVS took billions from the government to kill us" would be powerful. For years I have been saying this could be a function of conservative radio, but guys like Rush Limbaugh were opposed to political boycotts. All they did was whine and get people angry. We could put CVS out of business in a few weeks.

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I've asked our state Senate to hold "follow the money" select medical committee hearings on both hospital systems and pharmacies doing business in South Carolina. What happens will depend on if the Uniparty continuing to control politics in SC

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CVS and Walgreens are corporate scum who participated in the Covid eugenics program. There are no vaccines. They needed as many people as possible injected with the spike protein. Read "The Indoctrinated Brain" or watch Tucker Carlson's interview with the author. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.

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"It took little mom and pop pharmacies to have a chance at Ivermectin getting filled."

Now look at how many of them were driven into bankruptcy for doing so.

There was a particular mechanism used to accomplish this, and it cunningly has nothing to do with Ivermectin. The corruption within regulatory bureaucracies is deeper than anyone truly grasps. Their attacks are often oblique.

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May 22Edited

Another question. Did the 2 pharmacies send your Covid test to the FBI? I just read how they collected 1.5 million DNA samples from Covid tests….of course without notifying anyone or getting a damn warrant for doing it.


'The government’s DNA collection program represents a massive expansion of genetic surveillance.'

Recommend reading this.

"The government’s unprecedented expansion into genetic surveillance began during the Trump administration."

Gotta love how republicans are for smaller government and yet every time there is an expansion of voting for more government surveillance they line right up. They just passed the FISA Act again and when some members wanted warrants they were told to sit down and shut up.

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That is a great question! I have oftentimes wondered where all those brain stabbing early tests went, and what they had on them. I thank the Lord every day that I never took a covid test at any facility. I spit on one home test once. My office had draconian “mandatory test if you are sick” policies on me being unvaxxed. It was ridiculous.

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Yeah lucky you. And glad that you only had to do a spit test instead of some untrained person ramming a stick up your nose. Gotta wonder how many people were injured?

I’m thankful that I’ve been on disability because I would have been fired from my job at the hospital. Got lots of flack for not getting the flu shot after I was injured the year before.

Nurses should stop taking them too. Just wear an ineffective mask. 😳

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Saddest part of this vile corruption, is the throng damaged permanently or dead because of this pact made with the devil.

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100% spot on. 🥲

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Well said. I agree. Family pharmacies are the best.

Nevertheless, Walgreens in Omaha, Nebraska, quickly and painlessly filled my prescription for Ivermectin on July 23, 2022. I believe Governor Pete Ricketts deserves the credit. Under his leadership, Nebraska assured doctors the right to prescribe both hydro chloroquine and ivermectin. Dr. Lee Merritt from Nebraska brought this to my attention.

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In October of 2021, I was visiting the US and was in a CVS pharmacy in Las Vegas and there was a masked woman with her son (about 12 years old, I'm guessing), and she said to him, "come on, it's time to get your shot". I asked her if he was getting the covid-19 vax and she said yes. I told her kids don't get sick from covid, they don't need the shot. I wanted to tell her more but she put her masked face right in front of my unmasked face and started screaming, "Get out of here now!". The pharmacist came out and told me she would call security if I didn't leave. I was calm with them, I didn't raise my voice, but I was shocked at their level of fear and aggression with me. Walking out, I told her I would pray for her son. I felt terrible that I couldn't protect her son.

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Those crooked bastards!!!

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