Listen to Dr. F: “Use your logic.”

Are you a bird? Enough said.

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There was already a visible "state of emergency" in California cities and it has nothing to do with the phony construct called bird flu.

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I think the PTB knows that most people will not fall for another scamdemic and so they will put draconian measures on us to get us to obey their rules. Remember the push to label people domestic terrorists.

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One only needs to here the words “Bird Flu”, “Transmitted from a bird/pig/tadpole”, “Health Emergency” or any similar sentiment and one has the grand total of the situation at hand…*it’s all a lie* to control, subjugate, manipulate, and alienate the feeble minded masses. Same as it ever was.

Do not comply, cooperate, or be influenced by the narrative. It is just that simple.

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so tiresome. I remember several "bird flu" scares in the 20 years I raised chickens and ducks. I NEVER knew of one person in any groups (online or in person) who ever had an issue in their flocks or themselves or any of their animals. Other issues, yes but not "avian flu". It appears to show up in larger commercial farms/flocks. They destroy millions of birds because of the "scare"

Listen to our fantastic Dr. Funtimes... she hasn't led us astray yet. DO NOT COMPLY

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If you employ logic and avoid any sort of hubris, the logical conclusion is to ask. What are the symptoms? Is it a flu/cold? How is it different than "swine flu" or other forms of flu? Why is it only critical now that we avoid all diseases at all costs? Did birds get the flu before we could PCR test for it and spread it to other species and among themselves?

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Why no state of emergency from the deaths and injuries from the spike vaccines?

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Any MEMES which we can forward to the unawares?

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how convenient to declare an "outbreak" adjacent to a State funded BSL-3 gain of function lab attempting to cause mammal to mammal transmissivity

California NIH/Bill Gates-Funded BSL-3 Biolab Mutates H5N1 Bird Flu Virus with Gain-of Function Experiments: https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/california-nihbill-gates-funded-bsl

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Hmmm. I really expected this to happen in time for the general election. They had it all set up and then didn't pull the trigger. I think it was obvious to all but the most delusional that the election was a foregone conclusion. They didn't want this crisis to go to waste. (I've heard something like that before) Now I think the manufactured crisis will be used in some way to disrupt the transfer of power this January. The timing fits. I doubt they will be able to put this in place too many more times without a total loss of credibility with the sheep. They have to either use or lose it. Feel free to correct my thinking.

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