We have watched the “go woke go broke” parade many times over the last couple of years. Budlight was tanked and has never returned to normal. Tractor Supply did a quick 180 to save their butt. John Deere is still in a death spiral. Target lost millions for their DEI focus on trans children and their satanic ad campaign during pride month. Dunkin’ Donuts is on the chopping block as of this week. Consumers are tired of corporations aligning with DEI agendas and not appealing to the beliefs of their greatest assets: their customers. Consumers are choosing to boycott companies that are more focused on DEI than they are on their consumers who spend their hard earned inflation tattered dollars on their brands. The latest one to hit the headlines the last two weeks is Harley Davidson. And trust me, this one has hit me the hardest. I wasn’t a Budlight drinker, I don’t shop at Target, I can buy my Ivermectin at other places besides Tractor Supply. If I am eating a donut it is from the local mom and pop shop, not Dunkin. But Harley…….this is a tough one to swallow.
There are few things on this earth that give me as much pleasure as riding motorcycles. I learned to ride in a Harley riding academy course. Every motorcycle I have owned is a Harley. I have Harley t-shirts, fleeces, jackets, winter riding gear….I even have the Bar and Shield tattooed on my right wrist. I have been in a HD dealership in all 48 states, we have poker chips from dealerships, even my outdoor sporting events folding chair is Harley. I have ridden over 75,000 miles on a Harley Davidson, in 48 states, Canada, and Mexico. Some of our greatest friends work at the local HD dealership. To say we were invested in Harley would be an understatement.
When the news broke 2 weeks ago that Harley had gone “woke”, I felt sick. Turns out I really was getting sick but that’s beside the point 😂. The new CEO who took over during the Covid era is a self proclaimed “Taliban of Climate Change”. HD has donated a ton of money to drag queen story hour, they are more focused on diversity in their corporate offices than hiring based on experience and merit. They keep offshoring manufacturing. They closed down the plant here in Kansas City. The board of directors is questionable with none other than the President of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on the board. They are committed to electric bikes, and having a zero carbon footprint by 2050, with massive changes coming by 2030.
How in the world did this happen? Well…..when your top “owners” are Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street…..who command you follow the DEI protocol if you want banks to loan you money…..and you hire a tyrannical left leaning CEO…….it becomes clear that the roar of American Muscle is fading out into a whimper of “me too” and unicorns and the unmistakable quiet of an EV motorcycle.
If you are on Twitter, have a look at the work that Robby Starbuck has done to uncover just how lost Harley Davidson truly is. They are unrecognizable at this point. Their corporate agenda does NOT line up with the average Harley rider. We fight for kids. We have Bikers against Child Abuse. We collect Toys for Tots on charity rides. We ride for veterans and firefighters and 9/11 tributes……..we don’t fund drag queen story hour. Yet those of us who buy their bikes and merch are doing just that. And we had no clue.
There is already a movement to #boycottHarleyDavidson. Video from the Sturgis rally this week show a very empty Harley Davidson tent. The annual “homecoming” ride to Milwaukee 2 weeks ago had an attendance that was down about 20,000 people. A once proud brand that now has bike owners taking their Harley badging off their bikes, tossing out their Harley clothing, trading their Harley’s for other brands of bikes…..because this isn’t the crowd that is going to be ok with what corporate Harley has decided to do.
Go woke go broke may take down the brand that has been such an integral part of my life for the last 7 years. I am an avid believer in voting with your wallet, and I don’t support these DEI agendas whatsoever. I have a big decision to make. I just bought a brand new bike a year ago. I have never ridden any other brand. But one thing I can guarantee. Harley Davidson has a small and finite period of time to turn this ship around like Tractor Supply did, or it will be time to say goodbye for me. HD corporate released an email today that their “employees are the heart of their company”. Nope, they are not. Your consumers are. Those of us who spend our hard earned money buying your bikes and your clothes and joining the HOG riding groups……WE are the heart of what makes Harley. Without customers and motorcycle riders, Harley does not exist. They have forgotten their audience and customer base.
For those of you who know me personally, you know how gut wrenching this is. But I will not support financially or advertise via wearing their merchandise a company that has totally abandoned me and my fellow rider friends. What a bitter pill.
Never been a bike rider, but even I know Mom, Apple pie, and Harley Davidson are up there with the American Flag.
These are the types of difficult decisions all of us have to make it we want structural reform. This guy Starbuck is doing an incredible job, and our troops are finally marching.