Happy Tuesday Jennifer! A couple of sources of info: Denis Rancourt, PhD & author of the April 2020 paper "Masks Don't Work" - here he discusses the current state of "medicine":
Dr. Toby Rogers posted one of the most comprehensive articles I have ever read regarding autism. If you want to know and understand the state of affairs in America, read this:
Toby provides a link to his now-retracted paper "Autism Tsunami" - absolutely amazing paper. The connection of the paper's results to James Simons, a billionaire who has given over $ 200 million for autism "research" is mind boggling. The shocking part is that Toby's team prove, beyond any doubt, that vaccines ( all vaccines ) cause autism. It's a long read but well worth the effort.
Toby asks that everyone share his paper with the world.
It is a perfect snapshot of exactly what is going on today. Have a wonderful Tuesday! Thanks for being you and for all the great posts! May there be peace on earth. :-)
The Pfizer's vaccine has a staggering problem. The DNA read from the Pfizer vaccine contains the SV40 sequence which allows the DNA to easily enter the human nucleus, and functions as a promoter of the cancer viruses. https://twitter.com/You3_JP/status/1651906679553011717
I am going to re-write it tonight for tomorrow’s post! I think it is a goodie! I may have thrown profanity at my iPad this morning when it just went poof. I was like nooooooooooo. Full moon is almost here for sure!!!
This is a book written in 1988 by Eustace Mullins about the corruption of medicine by the government. In light of what we are living through, it is an important foreshadowing:
I have noticed, based on the observation of the outworking of events in my life, that, divine intervention, using the least energy feasible, in accordance with Inner laws and practices involving the conservation of of energy, is a plausible explanation for certain computer "memory storage" events. An economical use of "Their" energy.
Your comment that you were leaning to a sars-cov-2 Fort Detrick origin / release? point has been on my mind these last few days. I found this on Johnday's Blog dated Wednesday, June 2, 2021 "Fort Detrick - Weighing Evidence" I noticed the following.
"The following content is circulating in Chinese cyberspace. ...Key points:
• It is now virtually certain that COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct. 18-27.
• The 300-strong US contingent stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel. It is located a mere 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Market, where China’s outbreak began (see map below).
• Five of the US troopers developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.
• 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market were thus diagnosed, though they were treated first. All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
• Back in the US, the American team had trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed down in July for various deficiencies.
The big question now is whether the transmission was planned, or accidental. Chinese authorities are awaiting an explanation from US authorities."
This says to me Five US troopers caught covid? from the "42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19"
I see the recombination "creation" of sars-cov2 from, Wuhan lab in stock sars-cov samples, yes utilizing "US" developed gain of function technologies, as well as analysis of early wuhan sars-cov-2 showing a greatly reduced spike count version of sars-cov-2 in circulation - thus "its" implications, as well as "chinese" pla published "economic" "Unrestricted Warfare" plans, as well as the "chinese" ccp declaration of economic war on America and the American worker in 2019, as well as the fact of the ccp/pla deliberate facilitation of the spread of sars-cov-2 from China to the world, consideration of the evidence indicating lab creation of variants of concern coinciding with "chinese" vaccine development and their large scale human vaccine testing at the variant outbreak origin facilitated with "free vaccine you only pay for shipping" pricing - VOC outbreaks which ceased, to date, upon the chinese development of a vaccine especially effective in the over 70 age group against the most? virulent gamma P1, as well as the work published by "The Ethical Skeptic" showing wide spread, starting in early 2018, of a less virulent version of sars-cov-2 resulting in widespread prior immunity across China and areas of Asia, the pacific countries and central Africa leading me, at this point, to what I wrote as a reply to another post yesterday, which follows as a reply to this post
It needs work, such as names inserted where needed such as "gain of function fauci" and links such as what is known to be in the spike, the immune system consequences of repeated Mrna injections, etc, etc. Comments?
Elizabeth Hart
Writes Vaccination is political
Oct 10, 2022
Why was a ‘vaccine solution’ to SARS-CoV-2 ever initiated?
It was known from the beginning that ‘the virus’/Covid-19 wasn’t a serious threat to most people, so how did we end up with this INSANE plan to jab the entire world population?
Why was the scientific and medical establishment so willing to go along with this plan to exploit the entire population with this medical intervention that wasn’t needed for most people, and was unlikely to work in the vulnerable due to immunosenescence?
This is a massive crime - innocent members of the global community, including children, have been pressured, coerced and manipulated to sacrifice their natural immune response to defective ‘leaky vaccines’.
Reply from, james kringlee:
"Why was a ‘vaccine solution’ to SARS-CoV-2 ever initiated?"
The overriding reason was to push, by hook or crook - by any and every means, the fast, cheap, dirty Mrna "PLATFORM" to the point that the platform itself achieved the regulatory per-approval status so that the "platform" could be used at will in the future as a ready to deploy pandemic / bioweapon attack countermeasure. A secondary reason was the lure of big money now and from all manner of injections in the future enabled with the Mrna platform.
note: this " per-approval status" was effectively demonstrated to have been achieved with the bivalent injection roll out.
All real "safe and effective" treatments for covid, BY ADVANCE PLANNING, were suppressed and sabotaged (as well as Real Doctors who dared to provide real help for their patients) for the purpose of meeting the requirement to obtain a EUA from the FDA ""Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)" for Mrna injections. "FDA may authorize unapproved medical products ...when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives." Most all the "covid" injury and death and all manner of loss was was from the above
I wrote the following "reply" earlier today about "it". the "context" surrounding us all these past 3+ years
"it", these past 3+ years, all makes sense to me now seen in the Light of Reality.
It all depends on understanding what "it" is.
"Go" player attackers vs "our" "checkers" playing "defenders'' - the endpoint outer goals of the "mass shootings" with Mrna have been obtained by both of these evil "entities"
The transparent goal of "our defenders" the evil Mrna cult - i.e. bioweapon countermeasure Agent Mrna platform regulatory "pre-approval status" has been obtained with the bivalent rollout - without further need for the facade of a human testing scam, set up to show "safe and effective", timed to correspond with manufacturing scale up, with preordained approval timed to correspond with readiness for rollout.
The stealth goals of the evil "Go" players, transparent goals to those with eyes to see - i.e. launch and progress a stealth, two front, bioweapon attack in their "economic" war with the west disrupting our economy and killing and disabling our workforce, have been demonstrated with effects ongoing, a dramatic expansion upon their "economic warfare" chemical "agent fentanyl" attack.
Front 1: attack from without via a properly framed "pandemic" - showing people dropping dead in the streets, apartment building exit doors being welded shut, teams of "suited up" people spraying the streets and everywhere, the unprecedented, dramatic, rapid construction of massive field hospitals - QUITE THE SHOW - orchestrated by evil elements within the chinese communist party / people's liberation army - evil "Go" players who knew exactly what was circulating in Wuhan and why and transparently worked to keep virus carrying travel from China open, knowing and showing they were deliberately spreading covid throughout our world. "Go" players" who set up a deliberate 2 part "red herring" (The Ethical Sceptic) 1) zoonotic emergence, which when debunked would then lead to 2) lab origin / "accidental" release as a "cover" which has worked to conceal their bioweapon attack to date.
Zoonotic emergence, which, as "they" planned, the disingenuous, complicit, US bioweapon / bio-defense cult would promote as a cover for their own the trail of published and "transferred" US gain of function (gain of effect) bioweapon and bioweapon countermeasure research and development. Then instilled with sufficient fear via "proper framing" "our defenders" would loose their own long planned, evil totalitarian pandemic / bioweapon attack countermeasure plan - using coordinated "western" worldwide information control to grow fear with worthless prevention measures, lack of PPE and N 95's and "we will kill you in the hospital" standard of "no real care" - while suppressing and sabotaging effective covid viral stage early outpatient treatments and effective real hospital treatments for allergic reactions, inflammation and clotting. thereby torturing and Depraved-heart mass murdering millions across the world by stopping treatment for covid in order to secure the "EUA" necessary for "their" Mrna injections. (Depraved-heart murder - see definition from wicked-o-pedia)
note: I could not understand the suppression of all real treatment for covid, so easy to verify as actually "safe and effective", until Dr. Zev Zelenko spelled out the "why" - the need for the "Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)" for Mrna injections. "FDA may authorize unapproved medical products ...when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives."
Front 2: attack from within the enemy's cells - set up and "feed" the code for delivery vehicle CoV-2 with attached stealth "slow kill" bioweapon spike to "our defenders" the evil, duped, "checkers" players, Mrna cult with the foreknowledge they would encode and deploy their Agent Mrna to compel the cells in all those people shot to make stealth bioweapon spike with the "P2" mutation addition, designed to hold the "spike" together, knowing that the "P2" mutation would fail allowing the spike to open and expose the slow kill agents within.
Waves of "Pandemic" variant bioweapon attack from without - agent Mrna's bioweapon "agent spike" attack from within. By design and implementation against the "west" - infection reinfection reinfection toxic injection injection injection - injury, death, immune systems never? to fully recover.
"the evil" acting from inner levels through embodied evil within China subordinating embodied evil within America won "round covid".
Yes, "the evil's" opening salvo.
https://theethicalskeptic.com/2021/11/15/chinas-ccp-concealed-sars-cov-2-presence-in-china-as-far-back-as-march-2018/ comments section The Ethical Skeptic Author Elevator pitch“When one examines the complete 144-slot genetic profile of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, it becomes clear that its lineage is a full two years older than even the first Covid virus in Wuhan, China. Not only did this ancestor of Omicron cause an outbreak across the world in 2018 and 2019, that was mistaken as an 8-fold higher rate of flu across the Asia-Pacific-Africa for those years, but its genetics reveal a robust history of lab mouse serial passes and lab-edited alleles. This proving that its 2018 release as a less-deadly immunity-builder prophylactic virus, and the subsequent release of the more-deadly Wuhan variant two years later, both originated from a weapons-grade bio-lab in China.China set up a red herring for the world to ‘discover’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its local seafood wet market, suggesting an unfortunate but understandable accident was being thinly concealed. Now, the problem for China is, that unlike all the other variants, Omicron stuck around for some reason, and is now spilling the beans on the whole sordid affair.”TES :-)
Happy Tuesday Jennifer! A couple of sources of info: Denis Rancourt, PhD & author of the April 2020 paper "Masks Don't Work" - here he discusses the current state of "medicine":
Dr. Toby Rogers posted one of the most comprehensive articles I have ever read regarding autism. If you want to know and understand the state of affairs in America, read this:
Toby provides a link to his now-retracted paper "Autism Tsunami" - absolutely amazing paper. The connection of the paper's results to James Simons, a billionaire who has given over $ 200 million for autism "research" is mind boggling. The shocking part is that Toby's team prove, beyond any doubt, that vaccines ( all vaccines ) cause autism. It's a long read but well worth the effort.
Toby asks that everyone share his paper with the world.
It is a perfect snapshot of exactly what is going on today. Have a wonderful Tuesday! Thanks for being you and for all the great posts! May there be peace on earth. :-)
I just read it. Please read it and join the fight. This is the most important thing most of us will ever do.
Good and horrifying at the same time. Thanks for sharing.
Dr Brown: thanks for all you do and write about. Your readers really appreciate all your knowledge, wisdom and information you provide!!
Check out this link
This story is fascinating!
Thanks Christine. An awful exposure of the supreme evil indeed.
Also the sidebar exposing the UK's Monarchy German lineage is both fascinating & horrifying too.
Ack! Disappearing articles are no good! But open threads ARE good, so it's a wash :)
New finding from Japan:
The Pfizer's vaccine has a staggering problem. The DNA read from the Pfizer vaccine contains the SV40 sequence which allows the DNA to easily enter the human nucleus, and functions as a promoter of the cancer viruses. https://twitter.com/You3_JP/status/1651906679553011717
Omg that was my post topic! I am re-writing it tonight. You will love tomorrow am posting!
Hahaha, I'll be reading it, thank you.
I will assume the evaporated article was informative as is all of your work.
I am going to re-write it tonight for tomorrow’s post! I think it is a goodie! I may have thrown profanity at my iPad this morning when it just went poof. I was like nooooooooooo. Full moon is almost here for sure!!!
This is a book written in 1988 by Eustace Mullins about the corruption of medicine by the government. In light of what we are living through, it is an important foreshadowing:
The disappearing articles. 😐 I wonder if they happen to the writers on "the other side," too. 🤔
Right?!?!? I have never had this happen before! Sketchy isn’t it……
I've seen a couple other writers say it happened to them. I think it's suss, but who am I?
I have noticed, based on the observation of the outworking of events in my life, that, divine intervention, using the least energy feasible, in accordance with Inner laws and practices involving the conservation of of energy, is a plausible explanation for certain computer "memory storage" events. An economical use of "Their" energy.
Your comment that you were leaning to a sars-cov-2 Fort Detrick origin / release? point has been on my mind these last few days. I found this on Johnday's Blog dated Wednesday, June 2, 2021 "Fort Detrick - Weighing Evidence" I noticed the following.
"The following content is circulating in Chinese cyberspace. ...Key points:
• It is now virtually certain that COVID-19 was brought to Wuhan by American troops taking part in the city’s World Military Games last Oct. 18-27.
• The 300-strong US contingent stayed at the Wuhan Oriental Hotel. It is located a mere 300 meters from the Huanan Seafood Market, where China’s outbreak began (see map below).
• Five of the US troopers developed a fever on Oct. 25 and were taken to an infectious-diseases hospital for treatment.
• 42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19, becoming the first cluster in Wuhan. At the time only 7 people from the market were thus diagnosed, though they were treated first. All 7 had contact with the 42 from the hotel. From this source, the virus spread to the rest of China.
• Back in the US, the American team had trained at a location near Fort Detrick, the military’s viral lab closed down in July for various deficiencies.
The big question now is whether the transmission was planned, or accidental. Chinese authorities are awaiting an explanation from US authorities."
This says to me Five US troopers caught covid? from the "42 employees of the Oriental Hotel were diagnosed with COVID-19"
I see the recombination "creation" of sars-cov2 from, Wuhan lab in stock sars-cov samples, yes utilizing "US" developed gain of function technologies, as well as analysis of early wuhan sars-cov-2 showing a greatly reduced spike count version of sars-cov-2 in circulation - thus "its" implications, as well as "chinese" pla published "economic" "Unrestricted Warfare" plans, as well as the "chinese" ccp declaration of economic war on America and the American worker in 2019, as well as the fact of the ccp/pla deliberate facilitation of the spread of sars-cov-2 from China to the world, consideration of the evidence indicating lab creation of variants of concern coinciding with "chinese" vaccine development and their large scale human vaccine testing at the variant outbreak origin facilitated with "free vaccine you only pay for shipping" pricing - VOC outbreaks which ceased, to date, upon the chinese development of a vaccine especially effective in the over 70 age group against the most? virulent gamma P1, as well as the work published by "The Ethical Skeptic" showing wide spread, starting in early 2018, of a less virulent version of sars-cov-2 resulting in widespread prior immunity across China and areas of Asia, the pacific countries and central Africa leading me, at this point, to what I wrote as a reply to another post yesterday, which follows as a reply to this post
It needs work, such as names inserted where needed such as "gain of function fauci" and links such as what is known to be in the spike, the immune system consequences of repeated Mrna injections, etc, etc. Comments?
Elizabeth Hart
Writes Vaccination is political
Oct 10, 2022
Why was a ‘vaccine solution’ to SARS-CoV-2 ever initiated?
It was known from the beginning that ‘the virus’/Covid-19 wasn’t a serious threat to most people, so how did we end up with this INSANE plan to jab the entire world population?
Why was the scientific and medical establishment so willing to go along with this plan to exploit the entire population with this medical intervention that wasn’t needed for most people, and was unlikely to work in the vulnerable due to immunosenescence?
This is a massive crime - innocent members of the global community, including children, have been pressured, coerced and manipulated to sacrifice their natural immune response to defective ‘leaky vaccines’.
Reply from, james kringlee:
"Why was a ‘vaccine solution’ to SARS-CoV-2 ever initiated?"
The overriding reason was to push, by hook or crook - by any and every means, the fast, cheap, dirty Mrna "PLATFORM" to the point that the platform itself achieved the regulatory per-approval status so that the "platform" could be used at will in the future as a ready to deploy pandemic / bioweapon attack countermeasure. A secondary reason was the lure of big money now and from all manner of injections in the future enabled with the Mrna platform.
note: this " per-approval status" was effectively demonstrated to have been achieved with the bivalent injection roll out.
All real "safe and effective" treatments for covid, BY ADVANCE PLANNING, were suppressed and sabotaged (as well as Real Doctors who dared to provide real help for their patients) for the purpose of meeting the requirement to obtain a EUA from the FDA ""Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)" for Mrna injections. "FDA may authorize unapproved medical products ...when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives." Most all the "covid" injury and death and all manner of loss was was from the above
see: Malone "mRNA Vaccines: The CIA and National Defense" https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/mrna-vaccines-the-cia-and-national
I wrote the following "reply" earlier today about "it". the "context" surrounding us all these past 3+ years
"it", these past 3+ years, all makes sense to me now seen in the Light of Reality.
It all depends on understanding what "it" is.
"Go" player attackers vs "our" "checkers" playing "defenders'' - the endpoint outer goals of the "mass shootings" with Mrna have been obtained by both of these evil "entities"
The transparent goal of "our defenders" the evil Mrna cult - i.e. bioweapon countermeasure Agent Mrna platform regulatory "pre-approval status" has been obtained with the bivalent rollout - without further need for the facade of a human testing scam, set up to show "safe and effective", timed to correspond with manufacturing scale up, with preordained approval timed to correspond with readiness for rollout.
The stealth goals of the evil "Go" players, transparent goals to those with eyes to see - i.e. launch and progress a stealth, two front, bioweapon attack in their "economic" war with the west disrupting our economy and killing and disabling our workforce, have been demonstrated with effects ongoing, a dramatic expansion upon their "economic warfare" chemical "agent fentanyl" attack.
Front 1: attack from without via a properly framed "pandemic" - showing people dropping dead in the streets, apartment building exit doors being welded shut, teams of "suited up" people spraying the streets and everywhere, the unprecedented, dramatic, rapid construction of massive field hospitals - QUITE THE SHOW - orchestrated by evil elements within the chinese communist party / people's liberation army - evil "Go" players who knew exactly what was circulating in Wuhan and why and transparently worked to keep virus carrying travel from China open, knowing and showing they were deliberately spreading covid throughout our world. "Go" players" who set up a deliberate 2 part "red herring" (The Ethical Sceptic) 1) zoonotic emergence, which when debunked would then lead to 2) lab origin / "accidental" release as a "cover" which has worked to conceal their bioweapon attack to date.
Zoonotic emergence, which, as "they" planned, the disingenuous, complicit, US bioweapon / bio-defense cult would promote as a cover for their own the trail of published and "transferred" US gain of function (gain of effect) bioweapon and bioweapon countermeasure research and development. Then instilled with sufficient fear via "proper framing" "our defenders" would loose their own long planned, evil totalitarian pandemic / bioweapon attack countermeasure plan - using coordinated "western" worldwide information control to grow fear with worthless prevention measures, lack of PPE and N 95's and "we will kill you in the hospital" standard of "no real care" - while suppressing and sabotaging effective covid viral stage early outpatient treatments and effective real hospital treatments for allergic reactions, inflammation and clotting. thereby torturing and Depraved-heart mass murdering millions across the world by stopping treatment for covid in order to secure the "EUA" necessary for "their" Mrna injections. (Depraved-heart murder - see definition from wicked-o-pedia)
note: I could not understand the suppression of all real treatment for covid, so easy to verify as actually "safe and effective", until Dr. Zev Zelenko spelled out the "why" - the need for the "Emergency Use Authorizations (EUAs)" for Mrna injections. "FDA may authorize unapproved medical products ...when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives."
Front 2: attack from within the enemy's cells - set up and "feed" the code for delivery vehicle CoV-2 with attached stealth "slow kill" bioweapon spike to "our defenders" the evil, duped, "checkers" players, Mrna cult with the foreknowledge they would encode and deploy their Agent Mrna to compel the cells in all those people shot to make stealth bioweapon spike with the "P2" mutation addition, designed to hold the "spike" together, knowing that the "P2" mutation would fail allowing the spike to open and expose the slow kill agents within.
Waves of "Pandemic" variant bioweapon attack from without - agent Mrna's bioweapon "agent spike" attack from within. By design and implementation against the "west" - infection reinfection reinfection toxic injection injection injection - injury, death, immune systems never? to fully recover.
"the evil" acting from inner levels through embodied evil within China subordinating embodied evil within America won "round covid".
Yes, "the evil's" opening salvo.
https://theethicalskeptic.com/2021/11/15/chinas-ccp-concealed-sars-cov-2-presence-in-china-as-far-back-as-march-2018/ comments section The Ethical Skeptic Author Elevator pitch“When one examines the complete 144-slot genetic profile of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant, it becomes clear that its lineage is a full two years older than even the first Covid virus in Wuhan, China. Not only did this ancestor of Omicron cause an outbreak across the world in 2018 and 2019, that was mistaken as an 8-fold higher rate of flu across the Asia-Pacific-Africa for those years, but its genetics reveal a robust history of lab mouse serial passes and lab-edited alleles. This proving that its 2018 release as a less-deadly immunity-builder prophylactic virus, and the subsequent release of the more-deadly Wuhan variant two years later, both originated from a weapons-grade bio-lab in China.China set up a red herring for the world to ‘discover’ at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and its local seafood wet market, suggesting an unfortunate but understandable accident was being thinly concealed. Now, the problem for China is, that unlike all the other variants, Omicron stuck around for some reason, and is now spilling the beans on the whole sordid affair.”TES :-)
Thanks Jennifer. I too am that man that has many "poof gone" moments when getting a post together!
All kinds of very informative links above!!☝️ Thanks to all who posted / continue to post. -Dr. Funtimes thank you for asking others to share!