Its winter here in Chile. There was a high vaccination rate here, like 80%. People have been sick over and over and over all winter long. Never seen this before!

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I wondered what southern hemisphere was seeing…….I have heard Australia has been horribly ill, and now you confirm so is Chile. This is so sad!

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Does IVM still help in getting over it, whether or not you've been vaxxed?

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I think Geert is saying that if you have been vaccinated make sure you have some ivermectin and/or hydroxycholoquine on hand and take it in advance of getting infected as the best preventative measure.

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Thanks for posting this - very well worth watching

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This sounds bad for those that followed the advice of the majority of doctors and took the initial and subsequent jabs. It’s frightening to think that there’s a ticking time bomb circulating throughout our bodies. How could this happen? You have to think it was planned. It’s hard to believe that such insidious evil exists.

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I’m confused about Geert's view on the mRNA jabs. Does he think that they offer some protection even though he said that they are a leaky vaccine and it’s now known that they don’t block infection or transmission? And in their truest sense they don’t qualify as a vaccine, but gene therapy.

Any help is appreciated.

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Geert is anti mRNA jab. He has spoken out for a long time against them.

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Thanks Jennifer. Walter Chesnut's latest post regarding the radiation-like effects of the spike protein are yet another horror show. Avoid the spike protein at all costs. We are definitely on the protocols and staying safe. My nephew in LA, triple transfected, is getting sick all the time. Thanks for all the great posts. Peace.

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