If I read that right, 30% of frontline healthcare workers in the UK are complete idiots. That seems high, but a huge improvement from when they were all idiots. Here is the problem, once an idiot always an idiot.

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I wonder what will be the rules if and when the next planned pandemic occurs and the

WHO and new IHR directives...are eager to implement to all 194 countries stupid enough

to sign a binding agreement relinquishing their Sovereignty...possibly for ever!

As an aside the EU wants to form its own army....and I would guess the United Nations will

as well! Enforcement by a diabolical New World Order! Look up video of Club of Rome

Dennis Meadows...depopulation from 8 billion to 1 billion and if this not achievable a very

Strict World Dictatorship!

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Lovers of freedom worldwide are mostly sound asleep as to what the new IHR amendments to WHO will accomplish. Since about 190 countries are already signatories of the treaty the amendments go in force automatically unless a country takes active effort to withdraw from it, not gonna happen. Most smaller countries and Third World countries are addicted to IMF/world bank and UN goodies. Western countries are controlled by Woke politicians who are feasting on the power and money that they derive from complying.

The US? Of course Biden will sign whatever sheets of paper his handlers put on his desk. In between trips to the ice cream shoppe.

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I'm going on 81.....I cannot believe how most of the people of the world have their heads so far up their BUTTS on this critical

issue that will forever alter the SOVEREIGNTY of each of their countries....a big step towards the NWO! The MSM are silent on this

and so it seems our politicians on both sides ! To sign this so called BINDING AGREEMENT FOR ANY COUNTRY IS TREASON!


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I would like to dare the government to try to implement mandatory vaccines on the 60% of the public who are dead set against it. It will be ugly and beautiful - beautiful watching the government fail so, so, miserably.

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The problem with that is the woke corporations would begin to mandate it. Coercion is a very powerful tool and many would be forced into a bureaucrat being responsible for their healthcare all over again ... or lose their job at a time when the only openings are flipping burgers for McDonalds.

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How many government workers in people in the armed services personnel are there? What happened happened to them with the plan Demic number one there is here paradigm when the US government mandates the recommendations by the WHO, which will be far more restrictive and enforceable than those by CDC

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As our government exchanges citizenship with military service for the illegals they are importing into the country, our military will be far more likely to carry out orders against the American people. I believe that is the end game with this border invasion of military aged males. Our current grunts would not follow orders that fly in the face of American values, especially at home.

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Chilling. I'vs always thought the resistance by the military to act against Americans was the final safeguard. It still is, but "nonviolent" actions are SOP. Just look at CCP videos. Comply or.....

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Thank you Jennifer. It amazes me that it has taken so long for people to figure it out. The shots are both short and long term deadly. Thank you for all the great posts. Peace.

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I wonder what the vaxed vs unvaxed ratio is among VA healthcare providers. Especially the ones that made those lovely unveiled threats. Get vaxed or all your benefits will be cut off and you will have to re-apply. It could take YEARS before your claim is even looked at. Not that I'm vindictive, but I do hope the jerk who made those threats to me has had double the number of recommended boosters.

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My doctor recommended I NOT get vaccinated due to a long list of allergies. Grateful everyday.

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My doctor asked.

I said no.

He smiled.

I still see him.

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