Very sadly, the brain function is being impaired by sooo many toxins in our lives now and this “bioweapon” of the genetically modified vaxxxcene is just one of many produced, lab-created, weapons to bring destruction instead of delight & wise health into our lives

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I can’t put my finger on it but I’ve always said I’m not the same since getting the Delta variant (the worse kind) in Nov’21. I lost my sense of taste and smell for 18 straight months. To this day, those senses still aren’t 100% restored. I indeed recall feeling like my brain was misfiring. Sometimes I wonder if it’s still compromised and it just feels normal to me now. Scary stuff.

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This data signals the possibility that this may have been a chemical attack.

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Thing is, many had symptoms like this pre Covid. "Brain Fog" "Fatigue" "Memory Issues." Could be due to some unknown factor. I am a Type 2 Diabetic, so "Brain Fog" and "Fatigue" were issues for me for years. Thinking of obesity issues, and pre diabetic people, could the same be said for them as well? People were also locked down in place in 2020. Wouldn't a symptom of prolonged isolation lead to these symptoms as well?

I don't want to discount them, merely want answers. And yes, 100 people is not nearly large enough of a sample.And the problem is...how difficult will it be to run a control group to dismiss all confounding factors.

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... and still no consequences for a disease that was unleashed on the world to get rid of Orange man, destroy the Western economies and kill the elderly. None, zip, zero. If you robbed a bank and they caught you and said, "just keep the money", I am guessing you would rob another bank and another.

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