Or this is The after effects of Covid? Why is it that China Continues to lock mass cities down with just a flicker of one or two cases? Could China know something the World doesn’t? By no means, am I rebutting everything you just said Doctor. Your updates have been absolutely breathtaking, and extraordinary to observe. With you all the way on this one Doctor, and I’m fully vaccinated. Mandatory was criminal, into children was pure evil.

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That very thing has been hypothesized. There are definitely covid deaths in the excess mortality count because it is all cause, not just non-covid cause. I think what has triggered the heavy questioning is that in 2020, we were 100+ excess and it kept going up and up, despite the variants becoming less deadly and covid death counts going way down, especially over the last 9-10 months. But yes, there are definitely covid deaths in that count. China is a head scratcher…… part of me wonders what they do know that we do not, and then I wonder if the news they release is even accurate or not! So many unknowns!

Bless you for being open-minded and reading all of this as a vaccinated person. I have the utmost respect for you! Most of the vaccinated people I personally know would never read my posts because they are either scared, in denial, or lining up for the 4th/5th booster with the omicron variant in it. So massive high five and mad mad respect to you my friend! I totally agree with you: mandatory was criminal and into children is evil. That was what sparked my rabbit hole research was the crazy mandatory nature they made this. As I have mentioned, I am the only person in my biological family to not be vaccinated. My parents, siblings, their spouses, and all 6 of their kids have all been vaccinated. Some of them are ready for the Omicron booster. The kids are what break my heart. We as adults have consent and freedom to choose (kind of lol) but the kids are at the mercy of their parents and I so wish my little under age 18 nieces and nephews were not vaccinated. My 20 year old niece was coerced by her family physician, and had a SEVERE allergic reaction and keeps breaking out in hives even 15 months after her last vaccine. Her family physician will not own the fact the vaccine did it and refused a medical exemption for a booster shot for her if needed down the road. Those criminals are who I am so unbelievably infuriated at.

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It It takes a REAL man or woman to admit they were wrong.

Just a simple …

“Please, re-educate me. I was wrong.” Can go a long way.

We now have the Biden admin going after the CDC, everyone going after Fauci, and now even the drug companies themselves are attacking each other. The finger pointing and ugliness is just beginning to unravel.

MRNA knows they need to do something to stay afloat. Something like 90%+ of their revenue is dependent on the vaccine. As fewer and fewer people get the jab, they need to find other revenue streams. Hence, the Pfizer lawsuit.

I saw the entire movie go down in Wuhan, the amount of silliness and shenanigans I saw was boggling to the mind.

I am a full/time trader so I am highly data dependent and specifically trade off of momentum fueled headlines that will move markets. I watch a lot, every single day. I am deeply integrated in it all, I’ve seen it all. The countless conspiracy theories that I have witnessed alter into facts is astounding.

At the time I was vaccinated I had full perception. I was very weary of the EUA, how the CDC watched hundreds of thousands of deaths occur and did NOTHING during the peak of the Insys, Purdue, and J&J Pharma-saga.

I had wanted to wait it out for a few years, I decided to go with my family at the last minute in sort of the ‘we’re in this together line,’ and because it was being promoted as a “1” and done. I never got the booster, as Omicron represents 0.23% of people who are at risk. Public health is no longer a believable explanation for me, despite the science, and in the name of science.

Bear in mind, I dislike both political parties equally. I am only immersed in the Political Arena simply for Market moving trades. I will say, and I do not mean to ruffle anyone’s feathers. What was really significant was watching the Left became the biggest cheerleaders of the Court proven corrupt pharma companies. That will be for the psychologists and social scientists to unravel. I am actually shell shocked it’s gone this far with no halt yet. I think we’re very close before the dam breaks.

How many crashes have I calculated? Too many to count, as 80% of all my trades are Short-trade setups. Visit my YouTube channel called ‘Bear Market Trade Ideas.’

I’ve been harassed, threatened, and degraded for posting all of my videos. YT even flagged and darn near cancelled me for posting about $PFE in Pfizer.

I don’t mean to ruffle anyones feathers, but in all fairness, I didn’t put the poker chips on the table.

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Checking out your YouTube! 🙌🏻

I agree as well that the dam has so many cracks the flood is bound to happen. Pharma is going to be in big big trouble.

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I agree on the politics my friend and zero feathers ruffled here. I am purely “pro American autonomy” and freedom of choice. Both parties have enough corruption and dirty to hang out to dry! But I agree…..the left bought into the narrative hook line and sinker!

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God Bless you Doctor for keeping your integrity as a true Professional, against all other peers and the entire Medical board.

You are a TRUE American Patriot, and when I say that, I do not use that term lightly.

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Doctor I’ve got some more news for you.

Check out Taiwan, they are completely collapsing at this stage. Deaths are now exceeding births. I’ll never forget when you pointed that out way back when bashing experimental vaccinations for pregnant women. A darn near -27% reduction in births! This is shocking! MSM? Crickets…


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HOLY SCHNIKES I just read the link you sent! The decline in population!!!! WOW. That is even larger than I would have expected it to be. The mass genocide is in full effect.

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