Ed Dowd brings some fantastic data to the table about disability and work absences since the covid shot was introduced
Ed Dowd has done a tremendous amount of research on the excess deaths among the working age population, age 25-54. He wrote a book in collaboration with Robert F. Kennedy called “Cause Unknown”, and it details the “sudden and coincidence” issues we have seen. It is a great book, I highly recommend adding it to your personal library.
So onwards into Dowd’s newest data: absences from work since the introduction of the covid shot. He bases this upon the population of working age people, working 35+ hours per week, and what their attendance at work has been since the introduction of the covid shot.
“Absences are defined as instances when persons who usually work 35 or more hours a week worked less than 35 hours during the reference week for one of the following reasons: Own illness, injury, or medical problems; child-care problems; other family or personal obligations; civic or military duty; and maternity or paternity leave. Excluded are situations in which work was missed due to vacation or personal days, holiday, labor disputes, and other reasons. For multiple jobholders, absence data refer only to work missed at their main jobs. The absence rate is the ratio of workers with absences to total full-time wage and salary employment.”
The increase in 2020 was largely due to lockdowns, taking PTO to home school kids, etc. Those who chose to quit their jobs are NOT included in this data. This is solely employed people who have not been at work due to the reasons listed above. Look at what has happened post 2020. It keeps going up. The second graph is the z-score, or standard deviations above normal. It is also known as a sigma. We are at an 11% above standard deviation in absences, or an 11 sigma event.
How rare is that? Very rare. “As mentioned earlier, something three standard deviations above the mean is very rare, happens 0.3 percent of the time, but at least it remains in the realm of possibility. When we get to standard deviations of 5 and 11, that is astronomically rare. We’re talking about a percentage with multiple zeros before encountering the first non-zero digit. Something 5 standard deviations, plus or minus, has a 1 in 1,744,278 chance of occurring. Something 7 standard deviations, plus or minus, has a 1 in 390 billion chance of happening. So, an 11 standard deviation literally is “off the charts” and then some.”
That total absence rates for the past 3 years. Now, wouldn’t one surmise that the introduction of the covid shot, if they did what they were advertised to do, would lower work absence rates? Yet it jumped from 10% to 28% between 2021 and 2022?
This communication requires us to consider the impact of the covid vaccine on missed time at work. The powers at be in charge of the covid shot anticipated at maximum, they would receive 1,000 reports per day for shot complications. They blew that number badly. Below is a graph of the daily reports to VAERS from Dec 15th, 2020 thru January 14th, 2021. In one month span, the number of VAERS adverse events were astronomical. Can you imagine anticipating 1,000 reports per day on any new med that hits the market?!? Only to see upwards of 2,000 to 4,500 reports PER DAY? And remember, who was getting vaccinated in this time frame??? Healthcare workers. Priority group for vaccines. We had not even begun to poke the rest of the world yet. The report here states that the incoming calls to report adverse effects were far exceeding what was anticipated, and the company in charge of gathering the data could not keep up or meet the demands of the original agreement.
In a society where people are constantly testing (get your free home tests!) or being mandated to test, and told to stay home if positive so that you don’t spread the deadly virus....it encouraged (if not demanded) that people stay home from work. Some employers were telling people to stay home even if they had a Covid-like illness, even without a positive test.
Thanks Jennifer. I read Ed's book and purchased 2 additional copies. The book is a good way to introduce people to the real tragedy and to have their eyes opened to the truth. A lot of people do not want to go there; I offered my brother a free copy - he refuses to read anything I suggest - he is max-jabbed and believes the narrative 100%. Thanks for being our detective and for always telling the truth.! Have an awesome day. Peace. :-)
PS Great American Thought Leaders interview last night with a REAL doctor. (The Epoch Times TV) Peace!