I like Rand Paul as a fiscal conservative, but like you say...

Big Pharma is doing the petulant child thing by attempting to throw focus onto something or someone else.

Seen this movie many times.

Until corruption is replaced by honesty, nothing will change.

It's just another day rearranging the deck chairs.

Thanks for the article. Keep the fires going.

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"It’s just another day rearranging the deck chairs."

Bingo. The ship is going down and that is quite fine with the government. They have never cared about our health and they only pretended to during Covid to get us to take the bogus vaccines…now that they see the vaccines harming us they don’t give a rat’s ass.

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Rand Paul is and has always has been a sellout.

Just like Kim Jordan.

Thy speak words and hold hearings.

NEVER do anything to fix the problems.

And for that, they rake in the big donor and pharmaceutical $$$.

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I like the ones who at least hold hearings and ask questions and, for some reason haven't become multi-millionaires on the public teat.

You call him a "sellout" because he fails to "fix" things.

Sorry, Congress does not "fix" anything. Mr. Smith is in danger of becoming extinct.

You wish to "fix" things?

Local elections.

Local schoolboards.

Local. Local. Local.

The fish rots from the head down.

The ship is built from the keel up.

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Agree. We need more Rand Pauls, Jim Jordans, Ted Cruzes and a uncompromised President who will gut the FDA/CDC/NIH, get people in there who are not doing Pharma's bidding. JFK would be a good start.

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The truth, from Ann Barnhardt's web site FAQ's:

"11. What politicians do you support?

None. They are all psychopaths and whores. ALL OF THEM. The culture has degraded such that seeking and/or holding office, especially national-level office, is, in and of itself, proof that a given person is psychologically and morally unfit to hold public office."


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Rand Paul’s wife bought shares in Covid treatment maker Gilead in early days of virus, the couple’s only individual stock purchase in years



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Interesting. Sad to know.

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I see these exercises as pure theater designed to give the appearance that our congressional leaders are doing something about the high prices of drugs. At the end to the day, this will fade into the scrap heap of meetings that go nowhere. Sadly, the people lose again.

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Did any of the good senators call out how much stockholders got paid or address big pharma’s stock buybacks? If not then of course this was just a show for congress members to act like they give 2 💩💩 about us.

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Thanks Jennifer. There are ZERO politicians who are not compromised moral cowards. Peace.

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Politicians talk loud but seldom use the big stick cuss so many are on some kind of TAKE!

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