I came across this photo that someone posted on X about the drug packaging insert for the Pediacel DTaP vaccine. They claim the drug insert states that the vaccine can cause SIDS.
So I went digging. It was just a photo and it looks legit, but no link to the drug insert, this was clearly someone in healthcare who snapped a pic of the insert in the vaccine packaging in a pediatric office. Then I found the drug insert online from Sanofi. And holy shit.
Above you will find the link for the drug package insert from Sanofi, in its entirety.
This photo is from page 3. Identical to the photo posted above by someone who pulled the drug insert out of a vaccine box at a clinic or a pharmacy. Oh dear Jesus what have they done?!?!
“By chance alone, some SIDS cases can be expected to follow receipt of PEDIACEL”. Oh really. Chance alone. If babies were never vaccinated would SIDS still exist? Did SIDS cases drop during the covid “pandemic” because people delayed vaccinating their babies and toddlers? Yes. They admit right here that SIDS has occurred following the DTaP vaccine!!!
Also notice that they discuss that the needle cannot penetrate a blood vessel and to never administer this intravascular. Do vaccine administrators who are hog tying a screaming child pull back on that syringe before putting this poison in them and ensure it is not going into the blood supply???
Here are the “other” ingredients noted in the vaccine:
Aluminum? NO NO NO.
I feel nauseated just writing this. And so very angry at what they have done.
Informed consent. We need Informed consent. As a parent, I have never gotten the disclosure required by federal law. Full vaccine information sheets must be made available to parents. God's will be done. Thank you God for bringing awareness to the lack of Informed consent and to the wonderful beauty of the immune system you gave us.
I cringed to hit 'like'
We are branded as nut jobs for shining a light on their dirty secrets they pawn off as normal.
To them, as long as it's disclosed and no one can't be silenced, it's OK and naive health professionals are the unwitting angels of death.
As a child of the 50s and 60s, I grew up trusting my doctor.
Now, I look at him as a tool. A tool which could help or kill depending upon use.