Who can ever forget, "Be sure to be a good little people and stay in your bubble"? I guarantee, they will say all this is post bubble and had nothing to do with the vaccines ... safe and effective!
And now dear Jacinda has been rewarded for enabling mass murder with a cushy position at the entirely benevolent ( note heavy sarcasm) Earthshot project. That globalist propaganda campaign ushered by Prince William also a fellow WEF POS wielding the crown’s historical ‘ soft power’.
Ed Dowd's book has a series of graphs that illustrate the same exact thing. Mathew Crawford highlighted the kill shot effect as well. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.
Smells of Ardern and her governance!
Well surprise surprise
Who can ever forget, "Be sure to be a good little people and stay in your bubble"? I guarantee, they will say all this is post bubble and had nothing to do with the vaccines ... safe and effective!
Apologies to Robin Williams: Reality, what a concept!
And now dear Jacinda has been rewarded for enabling mass murder with a cushy position at the entirely benevolent ( note heavy sarcasm) Earthshot project. That globalist propaganda campaign ushered by Prince William also a fellow WEF POS wielding the crown’s historical ‘ soft power’.
Ed Dowd's book has a series of graphs that illustrate the same exact thing. Mathew Crawford highlighted the kill shot effect as well. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.