"Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" Samuel Clemens was right on the money.
The designers of this study really had to work at it to find a data set that would support their hypothesis. This is worse than the Hockey Stick crowd. When I was working as an advisor to graduate students for their thesis I would have had to recommend disciplinary action if someone had so carefully winnowed their data set to support a predetermined outcome. This isn't science, this is propaganda.
The insightful Doctor Brown is correct that those invested in the desired result will cite and defend this study. I remember pointing out the direct statements of deliberate fraud and intent to destroy and hide data in the emails of the Hockey Stick Authors. The convoluted, totally irrational defense and denial were painful to observe. I'm sure mere exposure drained valuable IQ points from me. Stupidity is contagious.
I apologize for the lengthy comment. Dishonesty in research really ticks me off.
Ya, more published trash. JAMA is obviously still being held hostage by HHS as are nearly all other virologists/immunologists in the world. HHS holds the key to grant money and controls the narrative which has nothing to do with true medical science. More greed.
Overdosed America talks about this practice going back quite a ways. My first personal awakening to the levels of deception in industry was studying the BGH path to FDA approval.
They looked at the charts of women who received a booster and evaluated if they were still pregnant or not at 28 and 42 days post booster. The “study” was a 7 month study. So not only a short study period, but a super narrow window to look for miscarriage. 🤦🏼♀️
And I'm guessing that placenta insufficience (attacked by Spike) is going to grow in importance in later pregnancy when physiological demand is higher.
Thanks for having the concentration to dissect this. I noticed a slew of papers being published recently trying to debunk Covid / Spike impacting the male reproduction tract. Meanwhile the hundreds of smaller publications that were originally raising alarm over male fertility (mainly from India and China) were not showing up in my search engine. The newly published papers read like propaganda pieces, with the clear goal of stating that there is no effect and that patients should be assured of the harmlessness and importance of these shots.
"They looked at women who received a booster in a 28-42 day window post vaccine."
Science by the numbers - ready! orchestra! - a 1, and a 2, and a 3
1) first decide on what "The Science" wants the data to show - to support the narrative "The Science" wants to support.
2) analyze the data to find the "right" window in the data that shows - what "The Science" wants the data to show.
3) design a study - to study the data in that "right" window.
"Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics" Samuel Clemens was right on the money.
The designers of this study really had to work at it to find a data set that would support their hypothesis. This is worse than the Hockey Stick crowd. When I was working as an advisor to graduate students for their thesis I would have had to recommend disciplinary action if someone had so carefully winnowed their data set to support a predetermined outcome. This isn't science, this is propaganda.
The insightful Doctor Brown is correct that those invested in the desired result will cite and defend this study. I remember pointing out the direct statements of deliberate fraud and intent to destroy and hide data in the emails of the Hockey Stick Authors. The convoluted, totally irrational defense and denial were painful to observe. I'm sure mere exposure drained valuable IQ points from me. Stupidity is contagious.
I apologize for the lengthy comment. Dishonesty in research really ticks me off.
Thanks Jennifer. Excellent info. Cherry picking data? Surely not?!
Ya, more published trash. JAMA is obviously still being held hostage by HHS as are nearly all other virologists/immunologists in the world. HHS holds the key to grant money and controls the narrative which has nothing to do with true medical science. More greed.
Overdosed America talks about this practice going back quite a ways. My first personal awakening to the levels of deception in industry was studying the BGH path to FDA approval.
Do I understand this correctly, the study period was between 28 and 42 days post booster? An entire 2 week span?
They looked at the charts of women who received a booster and evaluated if they were still pregnant or not at 28 and 42 days post booster. The “study” was a 7 month study. So not only a short study period, but a super narrow window to look for miscarriage. 🤦🏼♀️
And I'm guessing that placenta insufficience (attacked by Spike) is going to grow in importance in later pregnancy when physiological demand is higher.
Thanks for having the concentration to dissect this. I noticed a slew of papers being published recently trying to debunk Covid / Spike impacting the male reproduction tract. Meanwhile the hundreds of smaller publications that were originally raising alarm over male fertility (mainly from India and China) were not showing up in my search engine. The newly published papers read like propaganda pieces, with the clear goal of stating that there is no effect and that patients should be assured of the harmlessness and importance of these shots.