What is it going to take for the people to have their blinders removed and put a stop to this ongoing intentional harm inflicting on the general public.

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A return to the teaching of how to think critically.

They all absorb their "news" from the MSM where everything is rosy unless they are talking about us, so they will not even consider looking at a chart like this: their eyes glaze over and they plug their ears and go "lalalalalalala".

I have witnessed so many adults behaving as children beginning in 2020 that if I only watched the MSM, my brain would have liquified by now.

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If I am reading this correctly, about 99% of all vaccine injuries since VAERS started are do to the "Safe and Effective" COVID "vaccine". Hmmm, it seems worth it to me because we made at least a dozen new billionaires. Like the 400,000 dead Ukrainians. Another small price to pay to create several new billionaire defense contract CEOs. I cannot imagine how the American Electorate was so stupid to put this demented criminal in office. Oh that's right, they cheated. Notice the vote total numbers this time around, about 20 million fewer votes cast. Statistically impossible. 2016, 20 million fewer votes. 2012, 20 million fewer votes. If people are not understanding what COVID was all about, hopefully they will wisen up.

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The info just keeps getting worse.

It will be interesting to see what RFK does to shake things up.

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...and I can't wait.

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Oh Dr. Funtimes… Please don’t hold your breath. There is still way too much money to be made selling the COVID 19(84) vaccine to the gullible. Besides, those who crave power have become habituated to the delights of causing mayhem and death. They revel in their ability to inflict misery and suffering. And their victims are expected to line up and say, “Please.” Riches AND power? Those who want us dead are not going to give that up easily.

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And this data only includes those who actually reported their injury to VAERS, so only those people who thought there might be a connection. Realistically, the true numbers are much greater. My brother (55) had a stroke last spring, and he and his wife suspect the three shots he got (as a healthcare worker) were the cause, but I doubt they even know what VAERS is. I will forward this article to him and ask.

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I think RFK is up to the job and he will bring big Pharma including Pfizer to heel.

We will never get another chance like this to turn this entire paradigm around.

If you are discouraged about this possibility, reread his book ‘ The real Anthony Fauci’

Pray for the safety of Donald Trump, JD Vance, and the rest of his transition cabinet. They are our best hope for this country.

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