A client of mine was recently diagnosed (with what ended up being) stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma at an ent appointment for a persistent sinus infection.
She completed 7 weeks of chemo and radiation. It’s been 6 weeks since her last treatment and she came back into the studio last Wednesday.
She said she was feeling a bit weak, but that it was likely because she had gotten THREE VACCINES the day before; flu, RSV, and pneumonia.
I had to pick my jaw up off the floor because this woman reads my stack...she said, “If I’m going to feel like shit, might as well get them all in one day. But I didn’t get a covid shot! I told my doctor I blame the covid shot for my cancer.”
I would not take any more jabs. Last I took was the flu vacs in 2020 that was nov. 26 and on dec. 6 I got a wee stroke lost memory for a few hours and 5 days in hospital! Glad I have not taken ANY other
jabs since! No longer fully trust the medical profession especially
our health care providers i.e. Health Canada! And wonder about the content of any drug, prescribed or off shelf.....like nanobots anybody?!?!
I’m seeing people saying that they got their Rona, flu and RSV shots at the same time and just wonder how in the world they think that’s safe. And of course if that puts them in bed for a week they say that it means that the shots are working. No you idiots you just screwed your immune system and it’s trying to reject the damage that you did to it.
"Researchers say they are continuing to probe the possible link, but in the meantime, they say everyone should still get vaccinated since any tiny increase in risk of a stroke after vaccination is dwarfed by the increased risk of stroke or other serious outcomes following either a flu or Covid-19 infection."
Same equivocating stance most other researchers use in order to get their papers published. Can't go too far afield of the Official Narrative.
Patients who are still relying on CNN and CDC peddlers for advice about Mrna/spikeprotein/flu jab products are the control arm for the great experiment humanity is undergoing. Vax vs. unvaxxed. 4B vs 6B. Now there's a proper clinical trial with plenty of statistical power!
Jennifer all you can do for your patients is give good advice and let "my body my choice" take place. Maybe McCullough's detox regimen has some merit for those who get problems. I have no opinion.
Agree. I’m a retired MD and the vaccine debacle has made me far more aware of the limits to allopathic medicine, Pharma, and 3 letter health agencies. And open to alternative advice/holistic/even stuff like N2O, EMW therapy, acupuncture that I never had time to think of for while taking care of a busy practice.
Thank you for being honest.. you are a doctor I feel I can trust. Most just follow the narrative CDC and NIH but out . At this point I understand they are bias if not to say totally corrupt. Bought and payed for by Pfizer 🤷♂️.
I feel for the people that still put trust in CDC their chances to survive is minimal🤦♀️
Free and open exchange of ideas. In Vietnam as in Covid, the best and the brightest lied to us. The vaccines don't prevent infection, transmission, and the evidence for severity mitigation is patchy. Why get vaccinated ?
The problem I've always had with the whole virus theory -- is diagnosis.
If someone goes to the doctor and they test positive for the Flu, that's the diagnosis, apart from the possibility of a secondary bacterial infection.
Why couldn't you have the Flu, and some other viral infection at the same time? If someone tests positive for the Flu, why not also test them for something else? The same goes for COVID testing.
If viruses work the way they are theorized to work, why is this never done? Why couldn't someone test positive for COVID and the Flu?
This gets to the two shots at the same time.
If you can get two active viral infections at the same time, I would imagine it would load down your immune system. Similarly wouldn't taking two vaccines at the same time also load down your immune system? After all, the immune response is what the vaccines are designed to induce.
Viral theory, to me, sounds like an all encompassing excuse for, "We don't really know, but look! Here's a protein chain. This machine over here found it..."
They look perplexed and reply that the TV said the CDC said it was fine.
I saw a tee shirt which stated....
"What is the TV telling me to do today?"
They call it television programming for a reason.
If only George Carlin were still with us.
All you can do is try... you've done your part and now let's hope they realize that YOU have their best interest. 😕
A client of mine was recently diagnosed (with what ended up being) stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma at an ent appointment for a persistent sinus infection.
She completed 7 weeks of chemo and radiation. It’s been 6 weeks since her last treatment and she came back into the studio last Wednesday.
She said she was feeling a bit weak, but that it was likely because she had gotten THREE VACCINES the day before; flu, RSV, and pneumonia.
I had to pick my jaw up off the floor because this woman reads my stack...she said, “If I’m going to feel like shit, might as well get them all in one day. But I didn’t get a covid shot! I told my doctor I blame the covid shot for my cancer.”
How frigging ludicrous to have that mindset. I guess it’s culling the herd!
Oh holy $hit!!!!! She got ALL of those at once?!?!? Bless her heart she is half awake….just not all the way awake!!!!
I know 😣🤦🏻♀️
Wow. That's about all I can say.
I would not take any more jabs. Last I took was the flu vacs in 2020 that was nov. 26 and on dec. 6 I got a wee stroke lost memory for a few hours and 5 days in hospital! Glad I have not taken ANY other
jabs since! No longer fully trust the medical profession especially
our health care providers i.e. Health Canada! And wonder about the content of any drug, prescribed or off shelf.....like nanobots anybody?!?!
Sounds like dangerous misinformation that could lead to vaccine hesitancy....when do they get banned from social media?
I’m seeing people saying that they got their Rona, flu and RSV shots at the same time and just wonder how in the world they think that’s safe. And of course if that puts them in bed for a week they say that it means that the shots are working. No you idiots you just screwed your immune system and it’s trying to reject the damage that you did to it.
Insaw the same thing, but along with a hep shot. I couldnt help but pray for the lady.
Limited hangout:
"Researchers say they are continuing to probe the possible link, but in the meantime, they say everyone should still get vaccinated since any tiny increase in risk of a stroke after vaccination is dwarfed by the increased risk of stroke or other serious outcomes following either a flu or Covid-19 infection."
Same equivocating stance most other researchers use in order to get their papers published. Can't go too far afield of the Official Narrative.
Patients who are still relying on CNN and CDC peddlers for advice about Mrna/spikeprotein/flu jab products are the control arm for the great experiment humanity is undergoing. Vax vs. unvaxxed. 4B vs 6B. Now there's a proper clinical trial with plenty of statistical power!
Jennifer all you can do for your patients is give good advice and let "my body my choice" take place. Maybe McCullough's detox regimen has some merit for those who get problems. I have no opinion.
To hell will the CNN and the CDC, I get all my medical advice from a dumb jock football player with a degree in Interdisciplinary Studies. 😝
Agree. I’m a retired MD and the vaccine debacle has made me far more aware of the limits to allopathic medicine, Pharma, and 3 letter health agencies. And open to alternative advice/holistic/even stuff like N2O, EMW therapy, acupuncture that I never had time to think of for while taking care of a busy practice.
Thank you for being honest.. you are a doctor I feel I can trust. Most just follow the narrative CDC and NIH but out . At this point I understand they are bias if not to say totally corrupt. Bought and payed for by Pfizer 🤷♂️.
I feel for the people that still put trust in CDC their chances to survive is minimal🤦♀️
Free and open exchange of ideas. In Vietnam as in Covid, the best and the brightest lied to us. The vaccines don't prevent infection, transmission, and the evidence for severity mitigation is patchy. Why get vaccinated ?
For the Children!! Of course!! 😝😜
Thought it was for granny? Oh that's right they killed a lot of them.
Looks like the misinformation police continue their own misinformation. To thine own self be true
Barf. Open your eyes world. Thanks Jennifer. Peace.
But but the magical box told me to do it...
You mean I shouldn’t follow the medical advice of a meathead jock with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies from the College of Arts and Sciences?
The problem I've always had with the whole virus theory -- is diagnosis.
If someone goes to the doctor and they test positive for the Flu, that's the diagnosis, apart from the possibility of a secondary bacterial infection.
Why couldn't you have the Flu, and some other viral infection at the same time? If someone tests positive for the Flu, why not also test them for something else? The same goes for COVID testing.
If viruses work the way they are theorized to work, why is this never done? Why couldn't someone test positive for COVID and the Flu?
This gets to the two shots at the same time.
If you can get two active viral infections at the same time, I would imagine it would load down your immune system. Similarly wouldn't taking two vaccines at the same time also load down your immune system? After all, the immune response is what the vaccines are designed to induce.
Viral theory, to me, sounds like an all encompassing excuse for, "We don't really know, but look! Here's a protein chain. This machine over here found it..."
I’m in no danger