Trust me, the uniparty and their medical industrial complex masters, would like nothing more than to sweep everything under the rug. They created it illegally, China weaponized it, unleashed it on the world to destroy the Western economies without firing a single shot. That gave them a clear path to Taiwan, especially since the WEF and other criminal organizations found this very useful to get rid of Trump. It looks like they got away with this, but destroying everything will greatly aid them in court if there was some sort of civil war in the USA, which will never happen, populous is too apathetic, younger generation too brainwashed.

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You nailed it. Get rid of all incriminating evidence especially if "they" lose control and a bunch of rabble rousers get this to Nuremberg. J6 is a template.

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As an investigator, I was trained to "discover and chase the lie". A changing story is a really big indicator that the truth is suffering. The COVID 19(84) story has NEVER been consistent. The litany on masks was an obvious tissue of lies from the very beginning. Now we have an attempt to sweep the entire episode under the carpet, like the past 4 years never happened? Ask Richard Nixon how that works out.

Maybe the True COVID 19(84) Believers will be moved by this story. I tested the theory. The True COVID 19(84) believer I exposed to this became enraged. That China would dare to remove the object of worship did not set well. Don't get between people and their Faith.

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9

as Stephanie mentioned, the removepaywall link doesn't contain a URL to view.

on topic, I'd read about that previously. as usual, China is a world leader in 1984 tactics.

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Unfortunately your link won’t open

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