Thank you for writing this.

How amazingly coincidental that they aggressively pushed masking to "protect" everyone, then aggressively pushed the pfizertoxin also to "protect" everyone and then it turns out that amazingly, both ideas are really bad and make things worse.

Maybe these people should not be making any more decisions for us all.

I would argue that they should be prevented from ever making any decisions ever again.

Or walking free.

Or breathing.

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LOL I agree! I think their ability to roam freely outside of a prison wall should be eliminated. 😎

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Real N95 and better mask TRUTH can be seen by watching Aaron Collins youtube videos where he tests masks using salt particles as small as the smallest single sars virus. If you properly wear (see with your own eyes how easy it is to get a good fit) A REAL MASK with a few extra easy low cost precautions (" soap" and sprays) you will certainly avoid much infection outright and lower symptomatic disease vs the bogus masking used by the people in this study. Then there will not be masses of infected people using bogus masks to re-breath virus. Certainly if you are infected use antiviral nose/mouth/throat spray and other nose/mouth hygiene and rig a fan in your room window to make a negative pressure room and do not wear a bogus mask to increase your own infection and infect other. Studies showing how bad bogus masks fail to work can and do and are used to "INFECT" people with an inability to understand and appreciate how well REAL masking, properly used, works

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Did you read the part of the discussion in the paper about N95 masks and how they have the potential to make rebreathing of virions worse? I would suggest a read of that portion. While you may expel less virions into the air, if you are already sick and wearing one, you could hypothetically make your condition worse. Covid or any respiratory illness. If you are healthy and worried about becoming ill, by all means do what you need to for you, and if that is an N95 mask, definitely wear one. The onus of responsibility is on all of us to do what we need to for ourselves at our own comfort level of safety. Can we both agree that when this study data was was obtained, back in 2020 prior to vaccines, that most of us were wearing a flimsy surgical mask or homemade cloth mask? Data points, CDC recommendations, and what we were doing AT that time are important to this study and equation. I would say that N95 is the only mask to use if you are HEALTHY and fear getting sick around others. The rest were a joke. If you are already sick with anything respiratory related, I would not mask up. Stay home and avoid close contact with others until symptoms resolve, because any mask on you at that time could potentially make you more sick. As always, studies evolve and we will learn more! :)

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Yes I read that part. I agree there are only limited circumstance where it would be appropriate to wear a mask while sick. I agree people were lied to about all things covid and masking from the beginning. only 1 (expired but mostly serviceable) real N95 mask for every 25 people in the US in "our" national stockpile, 1 "REAL" mask only per 25 Americans. I kept an eye on the the 3M mask supply in the minneapolis area, early days, pre official pandemic. I confirmed the sudden mysterious "disappearance" of the 3M warehouse availability of N95 masking canceled orders...I could all but see the warehouses emptying into fed x planes going to china. Remember the sudden unavailability for hospitals to restock after the doctors and nurses "looted" the unlocked, then unguarded, hospital supply rooms? Remember how "quiet", for a long time, 3M was and what a bad time they gave trump when he was trying to secure real masking for the hospitals? The chinese knew the value of real masking and looted the world's supply houses while they concealed, with the "who", the fact of human to human transmission. Thank You for your work here. James

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