Incredible. The crime syndicate explained. Buy shares. Manufacture demand. Crony capitalism. Everyone except Joe Blow gets richer. Joe Blow votes for Trump to stop the crimes. The syndicate gets rid of Trump. Joe Blow gets arrested. Buy more shares. Manufacture demand. Crony capitalism. Everyone except Joe Blow gets richer. I am starting to see how this works.

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Gilead is vindictive and considered especially nasty even for a drug company. You asked about Truvada, and the story of that drug illustrates why Gilead has that reputation. The CDC invented and patented the Truvada drug combination for pre-exposure prophylaxis against HIV infection. Gilead marketed Truvada without taking a patent license from the Government. Gilead's actions were so flagrant that the Trump administration took the very unusual step of suing Gilead for patent infringement in 2019, so Gilead shamelessly sued the government for filing the patent! Gilead and the Government are all still tied up in litigation even though a generic version of the drug is now available from Teva. Rather than settle the litigation Gilead has wasted Government money for years even as the government subsidized the sale of the drug! Of course every drug has side effects, and the obvious drawback is that Truvada encourages risky behavior and over reliance on pharmaceuticals. The drug was designed for occasional use, but long term daily usage would be expected to have the same side effects as long-term usage of other HIV antiretrovirals (heart disease, bone loss, liver and kidney damage etc). It's not exactly a recipe for long-term health and longevity. There are class action suits pending against Gilead for failing to warn customers of the potentially fatal risks of Truvada. See https://www.lezdotechmed.com/blog/mass-tort/truvada-lawsuits-update/

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A denial is not the end of this story.

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Thank you Jennifer. Excellent exposure of yet another megabucks megpharma's wickedness.

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