BlackRock & Vanguard intend to buy up every property they can - regardless of market ups & down. These criminals can print money until the cows come home & the WEF, UN, Globalists plan is to own everything, all the better to control us all.

Take it from WEF mouthpiece, misanthrope Schwab , best known for his mantras 'You will own nothing & be happy' & ' you will eat ze bugs'.

They want a future where you're only permitted 3 new items of clothing a year, live in a foul commune, where you share a kitchen & bathroom with 20 others, have no car, never go on holiday, are given a digital allowance which only permits you to buy from their outlets &

can be stopped at any time should you fall out of line with your overlords - for refusing endless death jabs for instance.

They intend to collapse everything in order to take it over, schools & education are going down the drain, health care is barely health care anymore, defund the Police & let Antifa & BLM police the streets in their place - you get the picture.

The seizure of all private assetts is their goal & deliberately manipulating markets, mortgagees & loans is how they will achieve it. If you owe any debt on anything, they are coming after you.

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Yep. They 'win' on the way up when the economy is doing well, then they win on the way down when the economy is doing poorly, and eventually they win when they use the newly printed cash to buy up the home you can't afford. (At pennies on the dollar!)

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They invented the game so that they always win

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The Fed raising rates at such a fast rate isn't helping things either. They should have started earlier and at a much slower pace IMO.

UNTIL we have some competency in the government (not a bunch who have no clue but check all the "boxes), it won't get any better.

I've been a political junkie for too many years years. I thought Carter's administration was awful...I need to apologize to him...this crew is far worse than I could have ever dreamed.

I find it shocking that anyone would actually consider voting for Biden and his crew again, after this mess. But many still will because in their world "feelings" are far more important than competency...how's that working out for them? Do they not see it? Do they just allow the MSM to for ever idea and opinion? 🙄🙄🙄

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If Biden or any democrat wins again, it will not be because they received more legitimate votes. Even my few friends who are lifelong Democrats are getting nervous and refuse to discuss anything about politics. Likely, they will simply not vote if they hate Trump.

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As Stalin put it: It does not matter who votes or how, it only matters who counts the votes and how.

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Carter WAS awful. He's a globalist with an "aw shucks" branding. And he sold the Panama Canal for $1. The US PAID for that project BTW. Complete blithering moronic idiot. Carter is tied for 1st place with the resident for WORST president ever. They both belong in Gitmo.

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There are lots of zombie companies that can't pay interest on their borrowings that need to go to the wall. Lots of companies with excessive executive remuneration that need a reality check. Excessive consumer and government debt just waiting around for a default to rule a line across the ledger. And the stupidity of climate change and net zero to come up against some hard realities. A decent shake out will do us the world of good. The FED, the US Treasury and the banks will not be immune.

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Love love love your market analysis, very perceptive and informative. This is off the beaten track for your substack perhaps but you have a real talent for this, please keep them coming!!

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Thank you!

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.... and consider that huge corporations are buying up housing like it is going out of style, artificially propping up prices. This turns around if Trump gets elected (assuming he is not imprisoned first). Government spending is a big part of the inflation / interest rate problem, the bigger part is the destruction of our energy sector by the globalists. Remember, the globalists realize the only way they can get America on their bandwagon is to ruin her. They are doing a good job of that and would love to see the housing market completely collapse. Remember, when you can cheat in elections by doing things like tying drivers licenses to voting rights (8 million new democrats just imported), you can ruin the country without fear of consequence at the ballot box.

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Not to mention how the additional demand being imported through our southern border drives up home prices, too......

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Exactly, just think of the collapse if we did not have all this artificial demand.

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the coming housing ::COLLAPSE:: will make the 2008 subprime meltdown look like a pleasant day at the beach. Wake up, people! This isn't the time to stick your head in the sand. Mobilize! Vote these scum sucking parasites OUT of our govt. We have a Constitutional Republic IF we can keep it. That means not voting for the communist left. If you refuse to see or live in reality because you still think the resident is legit, you're dooming us ALL with your BS. #Trump2024

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When there is blood in the streets, buy property.

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Here is hoping for the decline. Acceleration is good.

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Are you an America hating communist or just being paid by Soros to play one on the web?

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I love America, not this criminal corporation that assumed control while we were sleeping. The only way to restore America is to allow this evil empire to collapse and allow us Remnants to salvage the good (usually that means good people). We are already living in tyranny. The culture is in shambles. Mentall illness is everywhere. 70% of military age men are not eligible for military service because they are fat, under-educated, or have criminal records. When someone fights back he gets ruined by doxing, lawfare, or arrest.

Our only option is complete non-participation to bring down the behemoth. The sooner the better. Stop watching NFL football, or shopping at any corporate stores, Do not support any entertainment from Hollywood. They hate you. Pull your kids from public schools. Stop patronizing corporate healthcare or corporate pharmacies. Stop shopping at supermarkets. Use cash for everything. Withdraw affection from friends who are feeding the beast. Quit employment that feeds the beast.

Our problem is communism yes, on some levels, but we are dealing with global fascism. The wealthiest people in the world want to get more wealthy on your back and they hope to kill off as many of us as possible to make that job easier.

The old communism-capitalism dichotomy is not valid. The correct polarity is Nationalism-Globalism.

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Agree this is a new paradigm of Fascism on steroids with media, political and globalist enablement. A perfect storm that might possibly can only be ended by a total collapse. I truly believe that the warmongering promotion in Ukraine and Israeli is part of a planned distraction.

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Yes, and our intelligence communities work for the global fatcats whom are bankers themselves or are in direct line to the fascist bankers. It is international fascism.

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History repeats. If you can find an honest account of the run up to our first Civil War, you will be astounded at the parallel to our times. It was Hell to get through the first time and it is going to suck worse this time. Rather than large armies meeting in major battles, it will be along the Missouri model. Small unit actions with no discernible front. Missouri had more force on force actions than all the other Civil War battles combined. This time it really will be neighbor against neighbor. Embracing gun control may be a costly proposition later on.

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Yes, it's still "hot" here in Florida, pardon the pun, but hubs keeps saying it's only a matter of time before values really start dropping here. We're seeing it a little bit, but I keep saying that if it happens here, it'll happen last -- and we have a ways to go yet.

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I own a home in Fl and I see prices in my hood extremely over inflated . It’s going to fall hard and sooner rather than later. I also live near the water and finding flood insurance that is not price prohibitive is very difficult right now. We have hurricane windows and doors etc... but the price to insure is astronomical . This is going to price out many many people.

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We live about three miles as the crow flies from the Gulf in one of the fastest growing counties in Florida. I do think Subversive Patriot is right to cite those data -- and they are having an impact, but it is not as great -- yet -- as it may be in other places. Houses are still moving here and while we have seen a very slight reduction in some prices, we have yet to see stagnation. Could we see a re-enactment of the '08 housing debacle? Of course, and all of the issues you cite are having an impact.

And...did I in my comment say or imply that Florida would "remain unfazed"? Uh...no. I meant by my comment that if "it" happens (that is, a complete housing collapse) that it would likely happen here last (in that west to east list of Dr. Funtimes') and that, IMO, we have a ways to go before that happens.


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I’m looking for the sweet spot, to downsize, many new homes Will be coming on the market here too, in my area of central fl

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Based on what? Do you think Florida is somehow a magical land insulated from housing? Have you taken a look at the interest rate? Have you noticed how high insurance premiums are across the board for EVERYTHING not just housing? You're delusional if you think Florida will somehow remain unfazed.

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Hey, Subversive Patriot, are you directing your nasty comment to me???

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I know that AZ was SUPER SUPER HOT just a couple years ago. In Tucson they tore down an old elementary school and are putting up like 50 homes where it used to sit. People were fleeing CA in DROVES during covid.

This is a correction to that, IMO.

One of the real issues is that everybody wants THEIR home to be worth a lot, but also wants to be able to afford a place to live.....

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The difference between now and the 2007 housing collapse is politics and a dual economy. If blue cities and states continue to drive people out of blue and into red states because of socialist policies like no bail laws, the housing market in the red states will stay strong. Economic paradigms have shifted and the powers that be have not caught up. What is being set up is a dual economy that has never been seen before.

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