John O'Looney Presents Latest Clotting Evidence in the Vaccinated. I was on this web call and part of John O’Looney’s findings from this video ended up in the ‘Died Suddenly’ video.

This call took place in 2022! John O’Looney had a harrowing experience escaping the hospital in UK with the help of an international and boots on the ground to rescue him before he could be euthanized with REMDESIVIR and ventilation.

In this 2-hour video, Informed Consent Researchers (I.C.R.) whistleblower funeral director John O'Looney in Milton Keynes U.K, retired neurosurgeon & pharmacist Dr. Daria Schooler of the U.S., host of Rumble's The Fifth Doctor (


) Dr. Sam Dubé of Canada, and former European forces member Maverick Black discuss breaking news - the latest post-mortem discovery in the blood vessels of some vaccinated people.


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We the people need to wake up! This is how the coastal and globalist elites treat us common folk. How long are we going to put up with this? They will secure their power by cheating in the next election ... at which point we have a decision to make: Be the lap dog of the elites or be "We The People"?

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Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars …

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Testimonial comment: When embalmers were first reporting this in '22, I talked to a local embalmer who confirmed this phenomenon in his practice and that of his colleagues. Incredible fibrous casts of the large vessels obstructing the injection of embalming fluid. He also confirmed that he had never seen this before the vaccine rollout. This story, like others, will be obfuscated by time and lack of NIH/academia's support for a larger study controlled by vaxxed vs. unvaxxed , recent Covid infection, immunohistochemistry for spike protein autopsies etc. The study by Haviland is impressive.

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