Prevent herd immunity. That little weasel Fauci, from the beginning, raised red flags in my mind. When I got covid early on and felt like crap but did not miss any work, I realized something was wrong. This was not the zombie apocalypse like the corrupt media was selling us. We learned the WHO was corrupt to the core. Then we learned HHS was even more corrupt as they continued to publish bogus studies based on faulty data. I avoided, along with my immediate family, taking any shots. We knew our natural immunity could be put at risk. I even wrote about the shots being so lethal, that your natural immunity may not be effective post jab. Unfortunately, although I was speculating, that turned out to be the case. Worse yet were the other side effects. All this was obvious during the fraudulent clinical trial. Yet they rolled these shots out anyway. Greed could be the reason, but I think the evil goes much deeper. An excellent article, but probably more to it than simple greed by the medical community.

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Early on Prof Makary, JHU wrote several articles in the WSJ about natural immunity.

Agree that Trump is wrong still taking victory dances around Warp Speed. Hopefully his advisors will prevail on that.

He did to his credit rule that mandates were up to state governors as they should be. It took Biden to come along and mandate all Federal employees and the armed services.

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Convict Trump, but all other criminals get a pass. See the unbalanced scale here? Where are the convictions for ALL the corrupt politicians, DA’s, AG’s, governors, judges, lawyers, doctors, nurses, scientists, CEO’s, Administrators, school board officials & their minions underneath them? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander!

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Ya, Trump's only crime was being played for a fool. Truth be told in the beginning, we all would have been. He still fell for the vaccine sham, however. To this day he still touts the vaccines which did a world of damage. He gets blamed for lockdowns, but after two weeks it was the state governors who were the true culprits. States like South Dakota and Florida opened right up, while blue states stayed closed until after vaccine rollout ... which if you read the Brownstone article, was the plan all along. We needed to prevent herd immunity.

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That's because Trump has never been "one of them" and is why they are still trying to destroy him.

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Exactly. Trump scares these people to death. No question I am voting for him. 8 years wiser, it will be hard pulling the wool over on him again ... while he should be able to begin the restoration of our republic.

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Convict Trump on non-crimes in a twisted judicial process but every pedophile patron of Epstein’s world-wide sex-slave trade goes Scott free. Just think of all the concrete, indisputable video evidence with all those sickos captured in the act!

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This was my view a couple of years ago, but we still have many prominent people in our movement that believe there was an intentional initial poisoning, maybe even by targeted direct spraying, and it was all done to deliberately kill as many people as possible.

My view is that democide is still an apt term because 1. The government science community, DOD, bureaucracy, CIA had no reason to believe the shots would work and a lot of reason to believe they could be dangerous. 2. They pushed the shots with psychological warfare and killed off dissidents on social media who were issuing warnings. 3. They did not stop the shots when they saw how badly they were performing. 4. They cooked data to hide harms and laud successes. They mandated shots even after they knew they were harmful.

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Agree the initial outbreak was too violent for a natural explanation, but these facts, if any, will never be known. Sadly people we rely on to tell us the truth - doctors, many scientists were either ignorant or cowardly.

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It was interesting. I don't know if we'll ever know the "truth". If the lab leak was true and a virus was quickly spreading, why did we not see but a case or two in the mid-West that looked like the flu (2020)? And if the reason was to cure everyone with the vaccine, why when people immediately started to die from the shots, didn't they stop? Now that everyone knows lockdowns don't work, authorities are not to be trusted, and natural immunity exists, what are they going to do?

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They need to double down on their crimes, or they go to jail. As long as they maintain power there will be no recompence. I believe they will maintain power by any means necessary.

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We don't know all the truth but we do know that the alleged covid pandemic was a psyop and there was no "novel" virus leaked from a lab or naturally occurring, evidenced by what you experienced yourself, Dee Dee.

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I believe the Mr. Tucker summed up the entire situation with the phrase "...improving health was not the point." Our well being was NEVER the point.

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Love his definition of Occam's Razor - the best explanation is the simplest one that explains the maximum number of facts - however, I'd argue his explanation doesn't fulfil that function.

The simplest explanation that explains the maximum number of facts is this:

the covid pandemic was a psyop and there was no "novel" virus either occurring naturally or leaked from a lab and the lockdown measures and alleged vaccine provided only harm with no benefit except unintentionally, eg, some people left jobs they didn't like and followed a path that suited them better.

All the facts can be explained by the psyop hypothesis no problem but questions arise with a real virus, natural or lab-leaked, eg, why does the lab work done to isolate the virus not follow the scientific method?

So simple, so very, very simple. It was a psyop through and through, advertised from the getgo with typical psyop nonsense such as a Chinese research team finding the Chinese cobra and many-banded krait to be "reservoirs" of the virus and images of people falling flat on their face and laid out on the ground.

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I'll never forget that slow stroll narrated in English by an English-looking couple through the CCP's live mart in Wuhan with the snakes and bats for sale. Masterful psyop.

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I guess for me, I knew the article wasn't going to go over well and so I stopped at "lab leak." I always considered the origin story to be a side issue. The reason being is that according to the prevailing narrative on how viruses spread, this virus was not dangerous. There were a few local places you could point too that indicate deadly spread, but out of those erupt a lot of questions.

Shouldn't northern italy and New York be the subject of documentaries on how horrible Covid was? Shouldn't there be photo documentation of freezer trucks filled with bodies, and eyewitness reports of overworked officials who had to transport and bury so many excess bodies? Shouldn't we all remember first hand accounts of loved ones and friends dying of Covid in the night? Do drive thrus stay open during a pandemic? Does there need to be 24/7 warnings for a deadly disease?

In as much as January 1st was no insurrection and that over May, riots were "Mostly peaceful protests" the disease was not a dangerous and deadly novel pathogen. The news should have headlines from November to March commenting on a mysterious disease killing all and filling hospitals everywhere.

Sweden should be a smoldering hole in the ground.

What do I know though, I am just a conspiracy theorist?

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Thanks for passing this one to us, Jennifer.

Excellent write up!

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Viruses have never been proven to exist......so the whole thing was complete EVIL, with the virus believing HCQ and Ivermectin pushers pretending to be on our side by offering alternative treatment against a non existent pathogen!! The aim was to prevent more defecting into the no virus camp!!

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