I frequently send your articles and other articles to former colleagues of mine along with my own comments on why it is important for them to be aware of the marked increase in cardiovascular events as well as neurocognitive and neurodegenerative diseases along with strokes and peripheral neuropathies. It is simply not enough to just brush these past three years under the carpet as it they never existed and move on. Each and every time a drug is pulled from the market for "newly" discovered deleterious side effects, it makes news for a day or so and is quickly forgotten and there is no investigation into how long the pharmaceutical company knew about this "new" side effect. Doctors are blase' with respect to it and almost rarely look to see if any of their patients suffered that side effect. And so, that is how it has been for as long as I have been around in medicine. Now we are seeing an uptick in neurocognitive disorders in younger and younger patients that correlates with the vaccine roll out. Just yesterday, there was an article about Australia beginning the world's largest cardiac registry to investigate the uptick in "suddenly died" young and old. I also see that a condition called arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, a genetic cardiomyopathy responsible for sudden cardiac death being entertained as a cause for these sudden deaths. Prior to 2021 it was estimated to occur 1 in 5000. Now, overnight it is estimated to be 1 in 300. Wow. How does a genetic disease suddenly increase 10+ fold almost magically? The article mill will start churning out many articles to support this idea and parents and schools will be clamoring to have their children screened for this disease prior to participation in sports. (https://makismd.substack.com/p/the-silent-cardiac-killer-fraud-20?utm_campaign=email-post&r=10qo4e&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email). Getting back to the main point. In spite of sending articles to my colleagues, I don't honestly believe that they have made any impact whatsoever. This alone demonstrates the enormous power of the pharmaceutical industry and the deep entrenchment into medical education. It will literally take the MSM to expose this deep strangle hold that Big Pharma has on science and on scientists who rely on massive funding to continue research before the medical community completely wakes up. I honestly believe that the majority of practicing physicians are honest and have the best interest of their patients at heart. How can they give the best care if they are purposefully blinded to the existence of other treatments that are discouraged by Big Pharma because they are not lucrative? It has taken me these past three years to understand this. I don't want to paint with a totally black brush because there are definitely great medications that have done wonders for people that had little to no chance of survival in decades past. There have been advances in surgical techniques and in cancer treatments, but more could be done in this arena. All in all, medicine is still a noble profession, but it needs to be reformed by getting rid of the influence of Big Pharma and allowing alternative therapies to emerge from the shadows. When treatments are withheld, it is the patients that suffer. We can all hope that going forward reforms will happen, and better practice of medicine will emerge.

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Of my regular doctors (3!) dismissed me. I attempted to bring WuFlu protocol objections, studies, alt treatments in writing to their attention.

I REALLY tried, papers of refs in hand, but I'm not credentialed so my opinions were horse pasted.

Sad. Doctors are sheeple, too.

Glad Substack is here so I can read the alternates to madness.

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This is, unfortunately, an all too often way that patients are treated. In all honesty, I remember many times that patients brought articles in to share with me. When I first opened my office, I remember feeling put out when patients would question my knowledge or bring an article in to show to me. I now look back at that through a whole different set of optics and now realize that they were merely concerned enough to ask a question. I don't remember dismissing a patient because of this and as I matured in my practice, I became much more receptive to looking at what they brought in. I wish that I could go back with my current mind set. I am sure that I would have done things a lot differently. Thanks for the share.

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Don't feel bad! I'm a retired doctor with an M.Sc. in Microbiology and Immunology, and an interest in Infectious Diseases. I graduated 9th in my class of 92 students in Ottawa. I tried to show my (still practicing) classmates all the studies concerning hydroxychloroquine's effectiveness against SARS viruses, as well as the dangers of continuous mask-wearing at the beginning of the pandemic, and then tried to warn them about the dangers of the mRNA technology being used as a "vaccine". They totally ghosted me, including the ones I regarded as good friends. They now think I'm crazy because I go to freedom rallies etc...

I now realize just how powerful the indoctrination is during medical training. It is designed to appeal to the egos of doctors (even the nice ones) so that they view themselves as too intelligent to be wrong in such a major way. Not to mention the cognitive dissonance of discovering that much of the "science" that your profession is based upon is fraudulent and manipulated.

I truly believe that when this is all over, and the extent of death and injury is known by the public, the profession of medicine as we know it will be gone. Something drastically different will have to replace it.

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Thanks for your comment. It is reassuring to know that worldwide there are doctors who share the same experience and have come to the same conclusion regarding Covid, its treatments and the dangers of the vaccines. Like you, I have become somewhat radioactive around my former colleagues that I rarely see. To be honest, the chasm between them and me is too wide to breech, and I have no more desire to continually scream into the wind to have them see the truth. I agree wholeheartedly that a new and better medicine will emerge one day when all of this crap is out in the open. I won't be around to see it, but I can certainly hope for its coming.

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I’m sure my Dad got Lewy Body dementia after the vaccines. His dementia was very mild at 69. Then he got several shots and very rapidly declined within months he couldn’t walk or talk, feed himself or go to the washroom etc and was put in a long care facility but passed away by 7 months after being jabbed. He came to be a shell of a man, so sad.

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Plus there is:

Rapid Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) or Prion Disease in the COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated

Dr. Makis posted this a few days ago and people get diagnosed and then die quickly. I think it used to take more time between diagnosis and death from the horrible disease and it used to be much more rare.

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I have heard so many similar stories from friends concerning their parents. My condolences for your loss!

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Thank you 🙏

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My Aunt passed away on 3Jan24. Haven't seen death cert yet; could yield facts (or k-mart blue light specials). She had ALZ, & i watched a rapid decline and a continued push during year in the nursing home for 'promoted' meds and treatments. ER trips during hospice(!) and 'care' that was a horrific nail in her vase (coffin not her choice, so adapting the aphorism if you allow).


Funtimes, doc.

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FYI Dr. Mercola's posts are only up for 48 hours, then they go to his substack paywall. Best to do is to save as a PDF when you see it. I get his newsletters regularly. They are all good.

So when clicking on the above, it did not go.

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My sister was a fit and healthy 65 yo woman with no underlying health issues. She had a genius IQ and photographic memory. She and her husband were living on the French island of New Caledonia. About 5 months after getting "jabbed", her husband died of a heart attack, and she fell into what seemed to be a catatonic depression. She ended up being hospitalized in Australia for 2 months while they worked her up for stroke and early onset dementia. The MRI was normal but she still had obvious speech and cognitive deficits with confusion and paranoia. She was brought back to Canada by her son, and is now living in an Assisted Living Facility with a diagnosis of dementia.

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