Was there anything we were told about COVID 19(84), the vaccine, or any of the other countermeasures that was not a lie? Apart from small groups like readers here, where is the outrage?

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That to me is the most baffling thing of all. Especially the victims loved one's who have with few exceptions remained silent.

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Just last week JAMA published an article on the Covid vaccine in pregnant women and concluded that the incidence of certain serious outcomes was, in fact, less than in the unvaccinated. I quote from the article. "Results of 196 470 newborn infants included (51.3% male, 93.8% born at term, 62.5% born in Sweden), 94 303 (48.0%) were exposed to COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy. Exposed infants exhibited no increased odds of adverse neonatal outcomes, and they exhibited lower odds for neonatal nontraumatic intracranial hemorrhage (event rate, 1.7 vs 3.2/1000; adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.78 [95% CI, 0.61-0.99]), hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (1.8 vs 2.7/1000; aOR, 0.73 [95% CI, 0.55-0.96]), and neonatal mortality (0.9 vs 1.8/1000; aOR, 0.68 [95% CI, 0.50-0.91])."

Igor Chudov did a deep dive into the data and found that women vaccinated in the first trimester had worse outcomes than women vaccinated in the third trimester in those same categories that they say vaccination had no discernible adverse effect. I provide a link to his article. (https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/covid-vaccines-are-most-dangerous?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2). He is a master at dissecting data, and it is worth the read to see how the JAMA article tries to ignore these first trimester bad outcomes by providing a less that honest summary statement. The assumption is that busy doctors will not have time to read the entire article and do a line-by-line analysis of the data but will just read the abstract and draw their conclusions from it. This is an old ploy that has been used successfully over and over again.

This new pre-print certainly calls the entire JAMA article into question in my mind. Knowing that these vaccines cross into the placenta and umbilical cord and ultimately into the fetus should give every pregnant woman pause and should alert every doctor to the real dangers of these jabs and absolutely advise against any pregnant woman from taking them.

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Joe, Thanks for doing such a great job posting this.

I, too, read Igor's deep dive into the data and was once again simply aghast at the gaslighting and outright ***lying?***.

The amount of damage done to the victims tears my heart apart as it cannot be undone.

Alas, the lessons from the Nuremburg Trials have been whitewashed.

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I totally agree with you.. Thanks

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I suspected it all along since lipid scross the blood brain barrier and are needed for infant brain development. Salmon fish is highly recommended due to it's alpha omegas.

I'm not even a doctor, they should have known and they have seen the blood clots!

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They did know ... everybody knew. The money was way too tempting. Money for the pharma execs, money for the establishment politicians campaigns, money for the crooked doctors, money for the payers. A trillion dollars goes a long way.

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It is funny their level of greed. You would think that since there were a total of zero pregnant women in the fraudulent original trial, which garnered them EUA, they may want to leave the pregnant women out of it. But no! They pushed it just as hard to pregnant women. You have to believe they were well aware of this poison and it's potential effects (which we still don't know), even before the first trial. I agree take it off the market, but heads must roll for the people that pushed this crap, censored the real info and mandated that you take it or lose your job. Some sort of public square execution seems reasonable, perhaps so nobody dare do this again.

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