Jun 7Liked by Jennifer Brown

Oh my - you've touched a nerve. I tried to post your article on facebook and no matter how i tried to maneuver it - no go. Against their communist community standards.

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Really!!! OOHHHH ol Zuck has this one locked down and censored!!!

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That's a sure litmus test for truth. FB is useful, don't have to bother with the "factcheck" bots.

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Thanks for the info (sad & tragic tho it is)

Just a quick memory - it was my dear, practical, common-sense Mom that made the difference in my life & that of my firstborn.

She went with me to the first pediatric visits in the first 3 months. It was supposedly a highly respected Northwest Chicagoland area pediatric office (one of the most desirable neighborhoods at that time - altho I didn’t live there, my ObyGyn recommended).

After the first visit my mom expressed concern that the sick babies were in the same room as the well babies. And sure enough, my new baby came down with a cold.

The second month’s visit was just the typical “baby is doing well, growing normally, all is good” - checking weight, length, etc.

The third visit was composed of the nurse promoting the infant shots & they would commence that visit. There were no shots yet developed & pushed for the newborn on the day of birth (thankfully) - it would not even have been a consideration at that time.

I had some questions about the shots & the nurse looked at me exasperated & told me this was the recommended schedule. I really wanted answers to my queries so I continued to ask the questions - what’s in it, why is it recommended so early in the infant’s life, etc. She was visibly at a loss for patience & told me she would have the Doctor address this. He came in & answered that this was THE schedule.

I could sense he expected no pushback. So, I asked if I could know the schedule. In IL at that time it was 17 shots recommended by the IL Dept of Health (a despicable agency) in the first 22 months of the baby’s life.

Thankfully, I had the presence of mind to say I would delay at this visit. The Pediatrician was clearly NOT happy with me. My mom & I & baby left and when we got into the car my dear Mom gently & basically stated that 17 shots in 22 months was ALOT of shots & she wouldn’t do that to herself let alone a little bitty baby!

My baby became sick again within a few days with a cold.

It was then that my mom urged me to stop going in for “well-visits”. She explained they were not necessary.

I am so thankful for her advice. I quit going - never went back & never vaxxxed my child. No regrets at all!

BTW - that baby/child/adult has never had any serious illness & still no quackcenes.

And my mom with only a smallpox shot lived to be 96. Longevity is in her genes - and NONE of her ancestors had any vaxxxcenes to our knowledge either.

Thankful we did not participate. My only wish is that I would not have had ANY of the shots we lined up for at school which were promoted as every child would get their shots at school in the notification sent home to the parents. Awful collective/marxist “system”. Propaganda over the decades.

Natural is the way to go! ❤️‍🩹

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Wow! Look at Puerto Rico. Also Ms, Al and Memphis, Tn are all very high injury rate.

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Take a look at Japan - wonder what else they got in the Moderna vaccines?https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2021/08/27/national/moderna-contamination-metal/

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I wonder? Also J&J, they had to stop that one a couple times.

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Many references show serious DNA/RNA contamination in the Covid vaccines and the bad batch dat a is widely known One example:https://x.com/fingerspitz/status/1798975486120599689, or research Dr. Philip Buckhalts, USC biochemist who did extensive work of Pfizer vaccine samples given to South Carolinians and testified the sme before the S.C legislature. Even RFK Jr. did an interview calling this out. https://x.com/WakingUp2020/status/1797275193536110853

My question for you substackers: What has the FDA done? Who is now monitoring the current Mrna vaccines and other gene therapy products for this problem. Are there any improved standards for the level of contamination? Is there any "safe" level with the concomitant use of LNPs? Is SV-40 still in vaccines?

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My zip only has 5 pages and just one hospital system. We have 2 plus a bunch of clinics.

The highest number is 10.06 with 386 adverse events. Guessing it got a hot lot.

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