“…he wasn't disabled enough for a payment.” I can’t begin to comprehend his difficulties. I guess you have to be dead to be disabled enough. Of course, then you no longer need a payment either.

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Well apparently you have to have 60% of your limbs removed.

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Tragic and the system does not have your back for the injured and maimed.

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So sad. So tragic. So unnecessary.

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"Liz Whitehead, his daughter, said: "We've all had our vaccinations. And we continue to since we've lost dad."

That's a remarkable statement, Jennifer. Her father was betrayed, joining a mass experimental drug trial and being left with a shortened life of suffering and poverty, and Ms. Whitehead reveals that she continues to participate in the failed experiment.

Sorrow clouds one's reason, to be sure, but this is..... something else, something beyond mournful distraction.

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Here is my anger. how about not mandating these f-ing injections? How about getting out of the business of "public health?"

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I’ve been stuck in workers comp nightmare since 1998 and at the beginning I had so many denials from the insurance company that I wished that every person involved in the denials would go through what I did on a daily basis.

People without chronic pain or illness have no idea or empathy what those who do go through. And how hard it is on some days to continue going through it.

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I'm so sorry for your distressing journey. We'll have to find ways to support each other since governments no longer take responsibility for healthcare.

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Thank you. I appreciate your concern.

Take care.

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Once again, it's VERY difficult to "Like" a post this disturbing. (TY Dr FT, for shining a light on this particular tragedy.)

The 'compensation' for harm will probably not happen in the next 30 years (Look how long tobacco litigation lasted). Justice isn't money.

If lawfare IS successful, the pharmaceutical industry bankrupts to reorganize that monster. People might get retroactive $ for harm, but how many good people lose everything before resolution?

Would you trust the doctor who jabbed you and/or manufacturer of the poison to fix your ills?

There's a devil's brew for you.

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