My neighbor's son was murdered in my small town hospital using this procedure. He left behind a lovely wife and three youngsters, the oldest 9. Three years ago next week. It took one month to kill him. The family's pain lingers yet.

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My neighbor was one of the early ones murdered by the vent.

Memory has it that a vent hookup was worth a lot of money at the time - $39,000?


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A family in our neighborhood was killed with a ventilator early on (2020ish) in the COVID 19(84) disaster. He was barely 22 years old. Looking back, I suspect he had a cold. He was taken to the hospital because he "displayed symptoms" and they instantly put him on a ventilator as a preventative measure. For his own good, I'm sure. Complications from this killed him shortly thereafter. As was the policy, he had to die alone. His family has NEVER been the same since. Once an energetic and popular family, now they keep to themselves. They bought a vacant lot near their house and turned it into a small private park in memory of their son. Very sad to behold. He was a good young man. Just graduated from engineering school. Much promise. His wasn't the only COVID 19(84) related death by medicine in my neighborhood. Those who intentionally released this on mankind have much to answer for.

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These doctors and nurses knew they were killing their patients. People just went "nuts" like I have never seen before or ever hope to see again. Some of them could have refused to do what their bosses told them to do.

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Those well ensconced in the narrative also feign ignorance to this aspect of it. They think everyone died "of covid" when it was due to the horrible hospital protocols, dying of other things with a Covid positive test, and filling out death certificates incorrectly.

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Every one of your readers is old enough to remember this happening in real time.

Withholding hugs from loved ones, drugs which actually worked, vitamin D and pushing ventilator$$$ makes perfect sense if their goal is population control.

Since this pro-death goal is anathema to those of us who are actually sane, we could not, and for a large part, still have not figured out how to legally and quickly combat these mind-numbed robots.

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I know several people who died on respirators. Sadly, their family members choose to stay completely ignorant. My mother in law, at the time, was hospitalized with Covid. Like the doctor in the article said, they gave her Remdesvir and then intubated her. Of course by then the former governor had outlawed the use of HCQ and Ivermectin. She died alone. I did everything I could to dissuade that side of the family from that treatment. My CMO had agreed to take her in Tennessee, but all requests fell on deaf ears, they knew more than me and I should just mind my own business and get vaccinated. We can say, "Never Forget". Unfortunately for the ignorant majority, their motto is "Never Remember".

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