Jun 13Liked by Jennifer Brown

Wow did this article just gobsmack an issue this morning! Synchronicity!

My cell phone rang before I even poured a cup of coffee .

It was my doctor’s office so I wondered what they wanted?

The sweet voice asked my identity? ( red flag) They know who they called.

She said this doctor was joining a

new service company that plans to monitor my health through my cell phone . They will give ( lend) me a BP monitor that will check off an on to be sure my numbers are in the correct ( their ) range and notify my doctor if they are not. Then he can write a prescription to “ fix” it.

AND there may (!) be a small

monthly charge that if I’m eligible will be picked up by my health insurance. If not I pay it .

Now my insurance won’t pay for a gym membership to improve my BP and overall health but she says it will pay for her company to check if I need pills?

This is supposed to be wonderful service that I should embrace so “ they” can keep me healthy? BS!

Next it will a glucose monitor to tattle if I eat a cookie or slice of birthday cake? Where will it stop?

Will it take my temperature, log my sneezes, count the steps I take? I think that’s already on that phone?

Invasion of privacy like a dog on a leash?

Not only No but Hell No !

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Jun 13Liked by Jennifer Brown

Well stated.

We now live in a time where people think they have the right to demand.

The Bill of Rights was passed in reaction to similar events over two centuries ago!

Stand up for your God-given Rights!

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For as long as we still have the Bill of Rights. Once WWIII breaks out or the next Plandemic or both, I think our government will act nefariously to abolish as much of our rights as possible.

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They have been steadily eroding them for over two hundred years.

About time We The People stood up and took them back!

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The patriot act put in place the tools to use the next plandemic for maximum effect. The as yet failed RESTRICT act cosponsored By RINO Graham is the corollary, guaranteeing compliance and censorship. The EU has already taken care of this problem with legislation. Criminalizing dissent is the most effective method in a “democracy”

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Jun 13Liked by Jennifer Brown

I love "cronyism"!! All the "isms" are indeed cronyism - manipulations by the hidden financial elites. We are so unfree we can't imagine what freedom is. Yet, we must try, evermore.

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"Need" is a pejorative term when used by propagandists. It is meant to imply an emotional plea to rationalize theft from others.

There is only one motivation: Self-interest. Everything you do comes from that motivation - even if it is to give away your fortune (you did so because YOU wanted to, not "selflessness" which does not exist).

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Jun 13Liked by Jennifer Brown

Amen brother! All about control ... hard to understand why people have an overwhelming need to control others, but they do.

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Amen to all that!

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