There are a lot of companies that ought you to be shaking in their boots. What an Awesome win!

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This could be the dam breaker that swamps employers in litigation. The next target? Colleges and Universities, US civil service and the US military. Private industry has already lost their government protection thanks to SCOTUS.

I'd especially like to see the elitist 80K+/yr.universities hammered - the private ones not state funded. The ideal plaintiff? Parents of a college kid that died acutely of Jab myocarditis that had autopsy documentation. A very lucrative lawsuit for someone like a RFK.

Maybe Trump can do something about this, but that's a tough nut to crack.

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I never liked this. Shouldn't the only barometer be that it was warranted? The ninth circuit decision was a much better one as it addressed the issue in contention about Jacobson. The ninth circuit understood that since the "vaccine" did not stop infection or transmission, it was not warranted to be mandated.

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