Would you please show us what healthy blood looks like and guide us through what you intend us to learn? thank you

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We have lived through one of the greatest outrages ever committed against humanity in peacetime. Our own government funded the creation of Covid, unleashed it from a Chinese lab to sicken and kill millions of people around the entire world, stripped people of their civil rights and confined them to their homes without due process, deprived them of them livelihoods, and presided over the impoverishment of millions of people while transferring vast amounts of wealth to their left-wing corporate allies. As if this wasn't bad enough, they exaggerated the lethality of the virus to frighten the population into silence while many American cities were looted and burned with impunity by their Antifa/BLM army. The government conspirators prevented doctors from treating patients with safe and effective drugs, while pushing deadly Remdesivir and ventilation protocols that needlessly killed countless more. The government conspirators approved the experimental mRNA shot on the flimsiest of scientific evidence and threatened people with permanent lockdowns unless they took the shot. By early 2021 Biden and his government were made aware of the horrific side effects of the shots yet they redoubled their PR campaign, censored the internet to silence critics, then mandated the injection of the experimental drug into millions of people, many of whom were maimed or died. With full knowledge of the death and destruction they caused, they gaslighted a gullible population about the dangers of the drug, and added it to the childhood vaccination schedule! The full list of their crimes cannot be listed here, and Nuremberg 2.0 is a catchy phrase, but the Nuremberg charter only covers crimes against humanity committed in wartime so the conspirators will not suffer that fate. Their crimes will continue as long as they hold political power.

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And not only military tribunals for the bio weapon perpetrators BUT_ALSO a registry of those who have been injected with the death jab to separate their blood from healthy blood. Something very much along the lines of when medical had to ask those who had anal sex/used heroin needles and were carriers of HIV. Whatever poison the covid victims were injected with should not be mingled with healthy blood or given as transfused blood to those of us who have no interest in being infected with the bio weapon. It's the only way.

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Surely that is your white privilege speaking. We all know that the Nuremberg trials were entirely racist, transphobic, sexist, etc. I was watching ABC News last night, because I am too lazy to get my news anywhere else. Anyway, they told me that anything that goes against the establishment uniparty elite, is racist. If I were to think otherwise, then I should simply put on my mask, shut up and repent my white privilege. Which being the good little sheep I am, I have done. Now I am cleansed. Happy Monday!


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