These statistics will bounce off just like every other damning statistic out there, be it regarding NPIs or the DeathVaxx 'performance'.

Cultists have an infinite ability to blame anything other than the plainly obvious cause.

What is truly damning is that despite all the trickery that various parties have tried to employ in hiding the evidence of criminality it still seeps through. If they really had the slightest evidence that their DeathVaxx or NPIs actually 'worked*' they would be singing it from the tallest balcony and the MSM/SM would be rebroadcasting it constantly.

Instead, we have Bill Gates crickets, bravado, and ad hominem attacks.

What would be really horrible is the autopsy results from those 92%. How many were killed by DeathVaxx? And labelled as C19?

As with the annual flu cull, how much of the C19 pandemic is being sustained by DeathVaxx Booster bodycount mislabeling?


*-Worked as advertised (to save lives) NOT as designed (to kill)

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Autopsy data would be lethal to the Gov. narrative.....that's why you won't see it, and likely few autopsies were done even in those cases where death was proximate and likely due to the Vaxx.

Does anyone have a link to UK covid autopsy data with reference to Vax/Not vax? No? I thought not.

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They were literally bribing grieving families to avoid autopsies.

IIRC the government was stepping in to pay the funeral expenses. On the condition that...

Quite the inversion we've experienced. Back in the day (so I've read - have only been awake for ~2 years) the burden of proof was on the DeathVaxx du jour. They had to prove they didn't cause a death. Now, we have to prove the DeathVaxx did. How the F did we get here? Rhetorical.

Talk about David versus Goliath!

Even well funded claimants with conclusive proof about jab-autism have failed to 'prove' it in a courtroom (that could also be the shyster lawyer payouts resorted to when the rats were cornered).

Regardless, Goliath wins, always.

It will be the most satisfying moment in history when we finally kill and dismember Goliath.

For good.



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It was long covid!!! Yeah right...😅😅

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And they will simply say ....."Well you know it's just that there are way more who are Jabbed then not Jabbed....it's excess deaths versus prior years to the planned pandemic!???

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Oh I know right?! The response is then why does anyone keep getting covid and worse still dying?! Hmmm.

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What’s worse is that less than 92% of the population was jabbed. Estimates vary and are used to make unjabbed look worse, but I think it’s about 80% jabbed. So the jabbed have “more than their fair share” of Covid deaths.

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Bottom line is that no one should be getting covid and or dying anymore if jabs were truly effective.

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Closer to 70% I’ve read. All western government inflate and lie. In Aust they say 90% but more likely 75%. All part of the unit strategy

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Interesting that the images in your article are not displaying in Firefox.

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Somebody deleted the images?

Did you save them?

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Thanks Jennifer.


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The illusion of immunity conferred with "mass shootings" of "safe and effective" covid "vaccine".

To my knowledge there never was and there still is not a safe and effective vaccine to counter any corona virus. Virus which have the ability to rapidly evolve and develop immune escape, now, especially, in the "vaxed-down", "tolerant" IgG4 immune systems of the multi-vaxed. Billions of immune systems to reside in, for a time, and develop new immune escape properties

but some time ago, just in case.... An italian group has demonstrated "sars-cov-3 ?" capable of escape from all antibodies with the serial inoculation of convalescent plasma over an eighty day period. ........... just in case.

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Good to spread the info, but unless we can also compare the percentage of population that is vaxxed, we cannot put the statistics into context.

So I am not able to use this information to pass along to my data-analyst friends.

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You can go to the UK statistics page and search for the total number vaccinated. Then compare it to this data representation and voila! 🙌🏻

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Here’s the link to the data of total population just in case: Overall 77.7% but they break it down further into age and demo graphics and include how many boosters as well. https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articles/coronaviruscovid19latestinsights/vaccines

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