In the quest to be less reliant on healthcare, many people have opted to go with lab companies such as Quest and LabCorp where they can order their own labs and bypass having to go see a primary care provider. This trend grew during covid when patients wanted to monitor their health but avoid the covid shot coercion conversation.
We all know that Alzheimer’s and other neurocognitive illnesses are on the rise. So much so that to get in to see a neurologist, who would order this type of blood test, is running at a 6 month wait at the least. So I wonder WHY Quest has decided they are no longer going to allow patients to self order that blood test???
They give a bunch of drivel of false positives and new improved tests coming out but at the end of the day, there is a reason they do not want you testing yourself for this. And I will repeat it again, incidence of dementia and neurocognitive decline is on the rise. And neurology appointments are nearly impossible to get. Hmmm.
I was not aware there was a blood test for Alzheimer’s. I am all for getting labs without a doctor’s order since basic labs give the normal levels and a person can then get in to a provider’s office for a consult if things are not as they should be. I agree with Mary Mc, there are fewer doctors or hospitals for that matter, that give a crap.
Face value? or as part of the plan to obscure "vaccine" injury?
A recognition that the prion initiating sequence in the bio-weaponized spike of sars-cov-2 causes a prion/amyloid/prion/amyloid cascade. An understanding that this toxic "slow kill" whole spike was the chosen "vaccine" antigen to be "created" by the mRNA and viral vector "vaccine" platforms at a rate of up to 3 trillion toxic "slow kill" spike antigens created by the body per injection. A realization that this amyloid test may show this "slow kill" covid "vaccine" caused injury hence its use regulated by a physician gatekeeper who may be compelled to deny any covid "vaccine" connection to amyloid detected by this test ? ? ?
What if numbers of no risk for Alzheimer’s people tested positive for amyloid with this test, suspected this was covid "vaccine" related and this went viral? How would this "viral" cycle be preempted by public "health"?